Article Title: Three Skills Necessary To Be Successful In RealEstate Investing
Author: Joel Teo
Word Count: 463Article
Format: 64cplAuthor's Email Address: sales[at] (replace[at] with @)Easy Publish Tool:
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Success in real estate investing is all about knowing what tobuy and how you approach the deal. Real estate investmenttherefore requires some specific skill sets that can bedeveloped and honed. This article highlights three skills thatyou might want to develop to be more successful in your realestate investing business.
Firstly, interpersonal skills are important in real estatenegotiations. What breaks or makes a deal usually is whetheryou have good interpersonal skills and are able to make theother party trust you. Spend time establishing rapport when youmeet prospective sellers and then try to apply the win winformula so that they feel the value in doing a transaction withyou and maybe recommend their friends to sell property to you inthe future.
An example of this was when John talked to the seller of alarge factory, the boss told him that what they needed now wascash flow and they did not want to move out of the property. SoJohn did a sell and lease back transaction with the boss andtoday he has a good tenant and owns a factory building which hebought at a reduced rate.
Secondly, to be successful in real estate investment, you needto be able to do simple maths analysis of the monthly cashflowand analyze the longer term appreciation prospects of the realestate investment property that you are interested in. Spendingtime to analyze your buying price relative to similar units inthe area is important and buying it at an under value is always good.
Alternatively, when buying properties that you want to improve,always spend time doing the sums on how much the repairs andrenovation will cost and if you are new to the fix and flipreal estate sphere, bring your contractor and architect alongto ascertain whether the deal is feasible.
Thirdly, real estate bargain hunting requires persistency asyou might have to look at hundreds of properties before youfind a property that you think can yield good rental returnsand is suitable for you to buy. Remember that similarly, notall foreclosure and auction sites represent bargains. Make anappointment to go down to the property and physically examineit to satisfy yourself that it meets your requirements. Stayingpersistent in your search for the right real estate investmentis thus key to making a good real estate acquisition.
In conclusion, take some time to examine whether you have thethree skills sets mentioned above and then take massive actionto start looking for your next real estate bargain. Believe inyourself today and focus on achieving your real estateinvestment goals. Carpe Diem!
About The Author: Joel Teo runs a real estate investment at
To learn more aboutreal estate investment go to our real estate investment successseries at use the HTML version of this article at:
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Author: Joel Teo
Word Count: 463Article
Format: 64cplAuthor's Email Address: sales[at] (replace[at] with @)Easy Publish Tool:
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Success in real estate investing is all about knowing what tobuy and how you approach the deal. Real estate investmenttherefore requires some specific skill sets that can bedeveloped and honed. This article highlights three skills thatyou might want to develop to be more successful in your realestate investing business.
Firstly, interpersonal skills are important in real estatenegotiations. What breaks or makes a deal usually is whetheryou have good interpersonal skills and are able to make theother party trust you. Spend time establishing rapport when youmeet prospective sellers and then try to apply the win winformula so that they feel the value in doing a transaction withyou and maybe recommend their friends to sell property to you inthe future.
An example of this was when John talked to the seller of alarge factory, the boss told him that what they needed now wascash flow and they did not want to move out of the property. SoJohn did a sell and lease back transaction with the boss andtoday he has a good tenant and owns a factory building which hebought at a reduced rate.
Secondly, to be successful in real estate investment, you needto be able to do simple maths analysis of the monthly cashflowand analyze the longer term appreciation prospects of the realestate investment property that you are interested in. Spendingtime to analyze your buying price relative to similar units inthe area is important and buying it at an under value is always good.
Alternatively, when buying properties that you want to improve,always spend time doing the sums on how much the repairs andrenovation will cost and if you are new to the fix and flipreal estate sphere, bring your contractor and architect alongto ascertain whether the deal is feasible.
Thirdly, real estate bargain hunting requires persistency asyou might have to look at hundreds of properties before youfind a property that you think can yield good rental returnsand is suitable for you to buy. Remember that similarly, notall foreclosure and auction sites represent bargains. Make anappointment to go down to the property and physically examineit to satisfy yourself that it meets your requirements. Stayingpersistent in your search for the right real estate investmentis thus key to making a good real estate acquisition.
In conclusion, take some time to examine whether you have thethree skills sets mentioned above and then take massive actionto start looking for your next real estate bargain. Believe inyourself today and focus on achieving your real estateinvestment goals. Carpe Diem!
About The Author: Joel Teo runs a real estate investment at
To learn more aboutreal estate investment go to our real estate investment successseries at use the HTML version of this article at:
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