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Location: Livonia, Michigan, United States

I first became involved with real estate in 1981 when my wife gave me a choice of ballroom dance or real estate classes. I chose real estate, and began buying properties as rental investments. Over the years in working with real estate, I have purchased in excess of 3,500 single-family homes and pick up the name Mr. Lease Option. My web is I teach over 40 real estate investment seminars a year, and running investment club keeps me on the go.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

When Couples Split, Who Gets the House?(June 5, 2006) --

Traditionally, when a couple divorces, the woman keeps the house and the man gets something else – like the pension plan. But with rising home prices, that split can be hard to manage on a single salary.

Divorcing spouses have three basic choices: sell the residence and split the proceeds; one spouse keeps the house, usually by buying out the other; or one spouse remains in the home for a set period before selling, to allow the youngest child to graduate from high school, and then splits the proceeds with the ex.

Any of these choices can be the right (or the wrong) one, depending on a family’s financial situation. Bur relying on child support and/or alimony to pay the mortgage is rarely a good idea, says Donna Strachan, a certified divorce planner with the Financial Planning Group in Irvine, Calif., because neither payment lasts forever.“Some women years after divorce are still trying to recover. It all goes back to the first choices they made,” says Strachan.

Source: Orlando Sentinel, Ann Perry, 06/04/2006)


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