Kirk Falvay, attorney, will conduct a workshop on asset protection for investors and homeowners on
Topics to be discussed includes:
• Use of living trusts
• Family partnerships
• Corporations
• Limited liability companies
Those in attendance will learn about what they can do to protect themselves and families against the threat of taxes, creditors, lawsuits, and divorce.
Mr. Falvay has offices in Bloomfield Hills, and may be reached toll free at 1-877-642-5535
, and visited on the web at
National Real Estate Network Known as NREN is a Real Estate Investment Club which meets on the 3rd Thursdays of each month. NREN provides great resources for new and experienced investors. Peter Surur, NREN member said "This is the best club in 248-762-0800
or at
Any advice contained in this press release or to be provided at the workshop was not written and is not intended to be used, and cannot be used, by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties with respect to taxes that may be imposed upon the taxpayer. (See IRS Circular 230)
National Real Estate Network, LLC service the following cities in
Mr. Falvay attends all member meetings to answer questions members may have on real estate. To assist investors Real Estate Terms (definitions on Mega Home Page) for following: Abstract of Judgment, Abstract of Title, Accelerated Cost Recovery System ,Acceleration Clause, Due on Sale Clause, Acceptance, Accrued Interest, Accumulated Depreciation, Acknowledgment, Acquisition Cost, Acquisition Loan , Acre, Addendum, Additional Principal Payment, Adjoining, Adjustable Rate Mortgage (ARM), Adjusted Cost Basis, Adjusted Tax Basis, Adjustment Period Administrator, Administrator\'s Deed, Adverse Possession, Affidavit, Agency, Agreement for Deed, Contract for Deed, Alienation, All Inclusive Trust Deed, Amortized Loan, Annual Cap, Annual Percentage Rate (APR), Anticipatory Breach, Appraised Value, Appreciation, Arrears, As-Is, Assessed Value, Assignee, Assignment, Assignor, Assumable Mortgage, Attornment, Backup Contract, Balance, Principal Balance, Balloon Loan, Balloon Payment, Bankruptcy, Bankruptcy Discharge, Basis Point, Beneficiary, Bilateral Contract, Bill of Sale, Bird Dog, Biweekly Mortgage, Blanket Mortgage, Board Of Equalization, Board of Realtors, Bond Breach of Contract, Bridge Loan Broker, - Building Permit, Bundle of Rights, Buy Down, Call Option, Cancellation Clause, Cap, Capital, Capital Expenditure, Capital Improvement, Capitalization (Cap) Rate, Carrying Charges, Cash Flow, Cash Flow Basis, Cash Out, Cash-Out Refinance, Caveat Emptor, Certificate of Eligibility, Certificate of Insurance, Certificate of Occupancy (C.O.), Certified Commercial Investment Member (CCIM), Certified Residential Broker (CRB) Certified Residential Specialist (CRS), Chain of Title, Clear Title, Closing , Closing Costs, Closing Date, Closing Statement, Cloud on Title, Coinsurance Clause, Collateral, Collectors Deed, Combined Loan-to-Value (CLTV), Commitment, Comparable Sales, Conditions, Covenants, and Restrictions (CCR's), Conforming Loan, Consideration, Contiguous, Contingency, Contract, Contract For Deed, Contractor, Conventional Loan, Conversion , Convey, Cooperative (co-op), Counteroffer, Creative Financing, Credit Line, Dealer, Debt Coverage Ratio (DCR), Debt Ratio (DR, D:I), Decree, Deed, Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure, Deed of Trust (DOT, Deed Restriction - see Conditions, Covenants, and Restrictions, Default, Defeasance, Deferred Maintenance, Deferred Payments, Deficiency Judgment, Density, Density Test, Depreciation Recapture, Discount Points, Document Preparation, Down Payment, Draw, - Due Diligence, Due-on-Sale, Earnest Money, Easement, Easement by Necessity, Easement by Prescription, Egress, Eminent Domain, Employer-Assisted Housing, Encroachment, Encumbrance, Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA), Equitable Conversion, Equitable Title, Equity, Escheat, Escrow, Escrow Account, Escrow Analysis, Escrow Collections, Escrow Disbursements, Escrow Payment, Estate, Estate at Sufferance, Estate for Life, Life Estate, Estate Tax, Estoppel, Eviction, Exchange - under Section 1031 of the IRS Tax Code, Exclusive Listing, Exculpatory Clause, Façade, Face Value, Fair Credit Reporting Act, Fannie Mae (FNMA), Federal Fair Housing Law, Federal Housing Administration (FHA), Fee Agreement, Fee Simple, Fiduciary Responsibility, First Mortgage, Fixed Payment Mortgage, Fixed Rate Mortgage, Floodplain, Forbearance, Foreclosure, FRBO, Freddie Mac (FHMLC), FSBO, Fully Amortized Adjustable-Rate Mortgage, Gable Roof, Gain, Garden Apartments, General Contractor, General Lien, General Warranty Deed, Gentrification, Graduated-Payment Mortgage(GPM), Grantee, Grantor, Gross Debt Service, Gross Monthly Income, Gross Rent Multiplier, Ground Lease, Habendum Clause, Hard Money Loan, Hazard Insurance, Hereditaments, Hiatus, Highest and Best Use, Holdover Tenant, Home Equity Loan, Homeowner Association (HOA), Homeowners\' Warranty, Homeowner\'s Insurance (Hazard Insurance), Homestead, Homestead Exemption, Housing and Urban Development (HUD, Housing Code, Hypothecate, Implied Warranty of Habitability, Impound Account, Improvements, Incidents of Ownership, Indemnify, Index, Initial Note Rate, Installment Contract, Installment Sale, Insurance Binder, Insured Mortgage, Inter Vivos, Interest Accrual Rate, Interest Rate, Interest Rate Buydown Plan, Interim Financing, Intestate, Joint and Several Liability, Joint Tenancy, Joint Venture, Judgment, Judgment Creditor, Judgment Lien, Judicial Foreclosure, Jumbo Loan, Junior, Kicker, Lien, Land Contract, Contract for Deed, Land Lease, Ground Lease, Land Trust, Landlocked, Lease, Lease Option , Lease Purchase, Leasehold, Leasehold Estate, Legal Blemish, Legal Description, Lessee, Lessor, Let, Letter of Intent, - Liabilities, Liability Insurance, Lien Theory State, Life Estate, Life Tenant, Lifetime Cap, Like-Kind Property, Limited Partnership, Line Of Credit, Liquidated Damages, Liquidity, Lis Pendens, Listing, Loan Application (1003), - Loan Origination Fee, Loan Package, Loan-to-Value (LTV), Lot and Block , Lot Line, Low-Documentation Loan, Low-Down-Payment loan, Management Agreement, Margin, Marketable Title, Master Lease, Maturity, Maximum Financing, Mechanic's Lien, Merged Credit Report, Minimum Payment, Monthly Mortgage Insurance (MI) Payment, Monthly Payment (P&I), Monthly Principal & Interest (P&I) Payment, Monthly Taxes & Insurance (T&I), Payment, Mortgage, Mortgage (Open-End), Mortgage Balance - see Principal Balance, Mortgage Insurance Premium (MIP), Mortgage Loan, Mortgage-Interest Deduction, Mortgagee, Mortgagor, Multi-Dwelling Property, Needs-Based Pricing , Negative Amortization, Negotiation, Net Cash Flow, Net Operating Income (NOI), No Cash-Out Refinance, No Income Verification Loan (NIV), Non-Assumption Clause, Non-conforming Loan, Non-Qualifying, Non-Recurring Closing Costs, Note, Note Broker, Notice of Default, Obligee, Obligor, Option, Ordinances, Origination Fee, Originator, Penalty, PITI, Planned Unit Development (PUD), Portfolio Loan, Prepayment Penalty, Principal Balance, Principal, Interest, Taxes, Insurance (PITI Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI), Pro Forma, Probate, Promissory Note, Purchase Money Mortgage, Purchase Subject to Mortgage, Purchase-Money Mortgage (PMM), Penalty, PITI, Planned Unit Development (PUD), Portfolio Loan, Prepayment Penalty, Principal Balance, Principal, Interest, Taxes, Insurance (PITI Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI), Pro Forma, Probate, Promissory Note, Purchase Money Mortgage, Purchase Subject to Mortgage, Purchase-Money Mortgage (PMM), Rate Cap, Rate-Improvement Mortgage, Real Estate Owned (REO), Real Property, Realtor, Recission Period, Recourse, Redemption Period, Refinance, Regression, Regulation Z, Residential Service Contract, Residual, Reverse Mortgage, Right of First Refusal, Sale Leaseback, Sandwich Lease, Seasoning, Second Mortgage, Section 1031Section 8, Security Deposit, Seller Financing, Settlement Statement, Short Sale, Special Warranty Deed, Specific Performance, Subject To, Subordination, Survey, Tax and Insurance Escrow, Tax Lien, Teaser Rate, Terms, Time is of the Essence, Title, Title Defect, Title Insurance, Title Search, Title Theory State, Triple Net Lease, Trust, Trust Deed, Trustee, U.S. Department. of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Underwriting, Undivided Interest, Unencumbered Property, Unilateral Contract, Unimproved Property, Unrealized Gain, Unrecorded Deed, Urban Renewal, Usufruct, Usury, Utility Easement, V.A. Loan, Valuation, Variable Interest Rate, Variable Rate Mortgage, Vendee, Vendee's Lien, Vendor, Veneer, Warehouse Fee, Waiver, Warranty Deed, Wholesale, Wild Deed, Without Recourse, Wraparound Mortgage, Writ of Execution.
About Me
- Name: Ralph Marcus (Mark) Maupin
- Location: Livonia, Michigan, United States
I first became involved with real estate in 1981 when my wife gave me a choice of ballroom dance or real estate classes. I chose real estate, and began buying properties as rental investments. Over the years in working with real estate, I have purchased in excess of 3,500 single-family homes and pick up the name Mr. Lease Option. My web is I teach over 40 real estate investment seminars a year, and running investment club keeps me on the go.
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