Ralph Mark Maupin

My Photo
Location: Livonia, Michigan, United States

I first became involved with real estate in 1981 when my wife gave me a choice of ballroom dance or real estate classes. I chose real estate, and began buying properties as rental investments. Over the years in working with real estate, I have purchased in excess of 3,500 single-family homes and pick up the name Mr. Lease Option. My web is www.mrleaseoption.com I teach over 40 real estate investment seminars a year, and running investment club www.megaeventingevent.com keeps me on the go.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Discover How to Unleash The Mind’s True Potential

Has anyone ever wished that they could be smarter? Have they wished for a bit more of superior intelligence? Is anyone in search for a keen depth of perception generated from his or her very own mind? Michael Watson, a successful Detroit area Real Estate investor, has discovered a product that can help one unlock the true power of success by unlocking one’s own mental acuity. Michael was the guest speaker at the National Real Estate Network’s Mega Evening Event last week.

Michael spoke about wondering what it would be like to be “really smart”, smart like few people in the world can claim. Wouldn’t everyone want to be resourceful enough to remember important details in the blink of an eye, and have that virtual “photographic memory” that’s talked about in classrooms across the country? Wouldn’t anyone want the ability solve complex problems without spending hours, and even days hopelessly meditating and dwelling upon a particular idea or subject, to no avail. Well, Michael told the group of investors about the new product he has found that would allow one to do just that, unlock the mental block.

Michael Watson has found a simple, proven, tool that one can use quickly and easily to increase the mental abilities, boost the IQ and awaken the mental focus, without even cracking a book. Wouldn’t everyone be interested in learning more about how to better gain knowledge? Anyone with a brain in need of this sharpening tool should log on to Michael’s web site and discover ways to increase and improve the mental abilities, such as, capacity, clarity and memory.

He created this web site www.betteryourmind.com
Check it out and learn more about the brain training CD

Contact: Mark Maupin Tel: 734-402-0180

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Mr. Commercial Real Estate Announces Mastermind Workshop Series
Mr. Commercial Tells All, How to Get Started in Commercial, Industrial, and Retail Real Estate Now on CD and DVD

Pat Winter, Mr. Commercial Real Estate, announces a new series of video programs from his Mastermind Group workshops. The Commercial Mastermind Group meets every other Tuesday at the Holiday Inn in Southfield, Michigan. Each workshop is followed by the release of DVD, which contains that week’s opening presentation, and will be available to public.

Mr. Winter says the commercial real estate market is one of the most underrated and untapped investing sectors in the world of real estate. He said the reason for this is that very few people know how to take advantage of the vast number tremendous opportunities there are out there. Pat told the Commercial Mastermind Group, “Practically every street corner has a sleeping cash generator, just waiting for some savvy investor to come along and tap into it, but unless you’ve spent years learning the commercial market or were born into it, as I was, chances are you’ll pass on by and someone who knows how to do it will reap all the rewards.”

Anyone could be that person. What if one could know how to turn that mom and pop grocery into a veritable ATM, or how to turn an aging strip mall into a viable retail center that has tenants lining up to lease space. What if one knew how to sell a rundown warehouse to a national corporation for a substantial return without ever putting one penny of one’s own money into the deal? What if one could wake up each day excited to go out looking for the next deal that will make a bank account bulge? One would say they didn’t understand the commercial real estate world, or haven’t spent years learning the ins and outs of this seemingly secret information, and fortunately, not many people have, which is why the field is so ripe with opportunity.

The Mastermind DVD series will be available on Mr. Winter’s website: www.mrcommercialre.com Contact: Mr. Commercial Real Estate LLC Tel: 734-402-0180 www.mrcommercialre.com

The New Entrepreneur: A Real Estate Investor Club in Michigan
A New is Topic Covered Each Month

National Real Estate Network holds a monthly seminars on real estate issues that welcome new motivated members. The topics range from, how to get started in Real Estate Investing, to the complex issues of Commercial Investing. This network holds it’s meeting the last Monday of the month in Southfield, Michigan.

The club has had many notable guests and seasoned professionals that speak in the areas of Investment Insurance, Business Lines of Credit, Investors Websites, A Quick Home and Property Locator, Lease Option or Rent to Own, No Money Down, Foreclosures, Government Grants, and Commercial Real Estate ventures.

This beginners network meeting is centrally located, only 20 minutes from Wayne County communities such as Detroit, Canton, Plymouth, Livonia. We are near all Oakland county communities, such as; Birmingham, Bloomfield, Farmington, Novi, Royal Oak, Troy, Waterford, West Bloomfield. Topics routinely covered are: A Mentoring Program for New Investors, Common Real Estate Terms and Venues, How to Get Started Without Risk, How To Get Education Without Spending A Fortune, In-Depth Resources Available in the Real Estate Market, Sellers That Buyers Look For, How to Find Investment Property, What Determines the Price of the Investment Property, Investment Insurance, A Business Credit, Lease Options, Commercial Real Estate and much more.

The next meeting date: November(see website),
Time of the meeting: 6-8PM
Seminar topic: How to Find Investment Property
The Location of meeting: Southfield Holiday Inn
26555 Telegraph Rd.
Southfield, MIContact: Mark Maupin 248-939-6232 to reserve a seat, seating is limited.or go to www.megaeveningevent.com

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Mark Perlman Offers Certification Training for the Nurturing Father’s, Marriage and Parenting Program
Mark Perlman, Nurturing Father’s Program (NFP) and new MArriage and PArenting Program (MA & PA), will host workshop around the country

Training will be held on November 7-10, 2006 in Sarasota, Florida at the beautiful Holiday Inn – Lido Beach on the Gulf of Mexico. Join this unique gathering of inspired parenting, fathering, and family advocates as we learn, laugh, grow and celebrate together, and create a national network of NFP and MA & PA Consultant/Trainers. Consultant/Trainers will receive a certificate of recognition which authorizes them to present NFP and MA & PA Facilitator Training, and receive 10% discount on all materials.

Day I Tuesday, November 7, 2006 NURTURING FATHER'S PROGRAM FACILITATION WORKSHOP Day II Wednesday, November 8, 2006 ADVANCED CORE CONCEPTS AND IMPLEMENTATION WORKSHOP (NFP and MA & PA) Day III Thursday, November 9, 2006 MASTER TRAINER PRESENTATIONS Lessons learned from national trainers with years of experience implementing NFP and/or MA & PA in variety of settings: prisons, HeadStart, schools, ethnically specific, and various community organizations. Day IV Friday, November 10, 2006 THE MArriage & PArenting PROGRAM FACILITATION WORKSHOP Learn to implement this exciting NEW program for couples. Register now as space is limited. Registration includes breakfast and lunch each day plus the facilitator manual and workbook for each program. For more details, visit Mark’s website at www.nurturingfathers.com

Mark has worked with parents, children and families for more than 30 years. Mark is the proud father of two grown sons, Jaime and Corey Perlman. He is the past Executive Director of the Family Counseling Center, The Child Protection Center and Fathers United Network (FUN) of Sarasota, Florida. He is currently the Director of the Connecting Fathers and Families Initiative. Author of The Nurturing Father's Program, a 13-week curriculum which has become a national model for helping men learn the skills and attitudes for nurturing. Perlman authored a book entitled A Nurturing Father's Journal which is a workbook format created to engage men/fathers in an interactive process to explore and strengthen their nurturing skills.

A wealth of information and practical tools are presented, along with questions that guide the father to write his own attitudes, values, experiences and feelings about each area. If you are interested in learning more about this certification training, you can visit www.nurturingfathers.com for registration information and hotel reservations. Contact:Mark Perlman Tel: 734-402-0180

Save Your Dollars, A New Real Estate Investor Club
How To Sell Your Property For Top Dollar In A Tough Market

This is a club doing seminars on how to get started in Real Estate Investing Business. The Club is having on going meetings in Southfield, Michigan. They have new topic every month. It is welcoming the newly dedicated and motivated entrepreneur. The club routinely invites many notable and successful speakers to visit and teach amazing strategies and information. They speak on topics such as, Investment Insurance, Business Credit, Websites, No Cash Down Strategies, Quick Home Finders, Lease Options, Foreclosures, and Commercial Ventures.

Mark Maupin, Member of Beginner Investor Real Estate Club, schedules this FREE seminar on how to get started in real estate on November 20, 2006 from 6 pm to 8 pm, at Southfield Holiday Inn, 26555 Telegraph, and Southfield. This network is centrally located in a close proximity to many Oakland and Wayne county cities such as, Birmingham, Bloomfield, Farmington Hills, Northville, Novi, Troy, Royal Oak, and Waterford Areas.Topics to be covered are: Local mentoring Program for investors, Common Real Estate Terms You Need to Know, How to Get Started without Putting Yourself at Risk, How To Get Education Without Spending A Fortune, In-Depth Resources Available In This Market That Are Free Or Have Very Low Cost.

November, seminar main topic: What is a Lease Option and How Can a Property Owner Use It in This Market? Limited Seating Call Mark Maupin 248-939-6232 to reserve your seat or go to http://www.megaeveningevent.com/

Reverend Robert Bough Presents Daniel 4
Recovery Small Group Bible Study in Highland Michigan

Ralph Maupin, member of study group said ”This group has given me peace, comfort, and understanding. I look forward to meeting ever week” The bible study is a year-long program is based on the Tyndale Life Recovery Bible and the Alcoholics Anonymous Big Book for 12-step work. It will feature a periodic psychological overview as well as occasional guest speakers in medical, theological, and psychological fields.

The group will be open to people of all ages in general community. On October 27, 2006, Guest speaker, Reverend Robert Bough will be presenting Daniel 4. Leading the group is Dennis Cyporyn, who understands the need and the struggle, but also knows there is hope. The open discussion will serve as a forum to work through one step per month with a new topic each week. The Life Recovery Bible offers a tried and proven program. Each of the 12-steps appears on the right with related Scripture on the left.

The group meets weekly on Friday, from 7-8:30 pm at Highland United Methodist Church. Highland United Methodist Church is located at 680 W. Livingston Street, Between M-59 and Milford Road. For more information contract Dennis Cyporyn at dcyporyn@humc.us or recovery@humc.us

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Commercial Real Estate Investor Club in Michigan
An Informal Way to Get Commercial Real Estate Conversation, Education, and Mentoring

Just for the beginning Investor, paradise is found in the Commercial Real Estate Investors Club that holds monthly seminars on real estate issues. CREIC is welcoming new entrepreneurs to the meetings in Southfield, Michigan. The Club is sponsoring a Free Seminar on getting started in the Commercial real estate business. Topics can speak to the very beginner and to the more complex commercial real estate aspects. Meetings are held each month. Infamous guest speakers may also appear on additional days in any given month, as they are available. The National Real Estate Network, LLC, hosts these events.
A series of topics to be covered are: How to Find Undervalued Commercial Properties, How to Redevelop the Properties, How to Develop New Property, New Creative Tools for Tax Free Income, Financing Commercial Properties, Discussion on the One Year Mentoring Program.

The Commercial Real Estate Investors Club meetings are centrally located, only minutes away from many Oakland and Wayne county cities such as, Detroit, Auburn Hills, Birmingham, Bloomfield, Farmington Hills, Franklin, Canton, Plymouth, Northville, Novi, Livonia, Troy, Royal Oak, Rochester Hills or Waterford areas.

The meeting date: October 23
The time of the meeting: 6-8 pm
Seminar topic: How to Get Started in Real Estate Investing

The Location of the meeting: Southfield Holiday Inn
26555 Telegraph Rd.
Southfield, Michigan

Contact: Pat Winter 248-770-2897 or Mark Maupin 248-939-6232 to reserve seat,Seating is limited, or visitwww.mrcommercialre.com or www.megaeveningevent.com

Monday, October 16, 2006

Mark Perlman to launch the Nurturing Father’s Program,
Marriage and Parenting Program at Oneida Nation!

Fathering and Parenting Expert, Mark Perlman, to appear in Oneida, Wisconsin on Oct 25th-27th 2006. Mark will provide training to professionals and parents on ways to strengthen family relationshipsMembers of the Oneida Tribe will hear Mark speak on such topics as: Nurturing ourselves and our children, effective discipline, teamwork with spouse/partner, managing anger and resolving conflicts and much more. Mark has worked with parents, children and families for more than 30 years. Mark is the proud father of two grown sons, Jaime and Corey Perlman. He is the past Executive Director of the Family Counseling Center, The Child Protection Center and Fathers United Network (FUN) of Sarasota, Florida. He is currently the Director of the Connecting Fathers and Families Initiative.

Author of The Nurturing Father\'s Program, a \n13-week curriculum which has become a national model for helping men learn the \nskills and attitudes for nurturing. Perlman authored a book entitled A Nurturing \nFather\'s Journal which is a workbook format created to engage men/fathers in an \ninteractive process to explore and strengthen their nurturing skills.

A wealth \nof information and practical tools are presented, along with questions that \nguide the father to write his own attitudes, values, experiences and feelings \nabout each area. "I really did learn a lot especially on how to talk to \nmy family. I must talk to them by using eye contact. I will kneel down and talk \nto my son at eye level. It really does work! My wife has noticed the big change \nin me. I would recommend this fathering program for every father out there in \nthe world. There is always room for improvement. I\'m just sorry to see it end." \nMarried, Head Start father of 4 year old If you are interested in \nlearning more about parenting courses, fathering courses or relationship skills.

Author of The Nurturing Father's Program, a 13-week curriculum that has become a national model for helping men learn the skills and attitudes for nurturing. Perlman authored a book entitled A Nurturing Father's Journal which is a workbook format created to engage men/fathers in an interactive process to explore and strengthen their nurturing skills. A wealth of information and practical tools are presented, along with questions that guide the father to write his own attitudes, values, experiences and feelings about each area. "I really did learn a lot especially on how to talk to my family. I must talk to them by using eye contact. I will kneel down and talk to my son at eye level. It really does work! My wife has noticed the big change in me. I would recommend this fathering program for every father out there in the world. There is always room for improvement. I'm just sorry to see it end." Married, Head Start father of 4 year old If you are interested in learning more about parenting courses, fathering courses or relationship skills training, you can visit
http://www.nurturingfathers.com or

How to Be #1 Real Estate Lead Producer in the Market of Finding Motivated Sellers
Real Estate Lesson on Finding, Controlling, and Selling Leads

Mark Maupin, the #1 keynote speaker for the National Real Estate Network, also known as Mr. Lease Option, recently announced the release of his latest DVD video training program for real estate investors, “Success in Generating Leads.” Mark’s new DVD video program is based on his real estate investor’s workshop of the same name. Mark describes “Success in Generating Leads” as a comprehensive program designed to help investors generate solid business leads. As Mark points out, the program includes a CD with a purchase agreement that investors can tailor to meet their specific needs, to ensure that they don’t lose out on profitable deals. “Success in Generating Leads” includes information on how to find motivated sellers who are anxious to make deals, and how to invest in real estate without the risk of ownership, i.e. without mortgages, slip-and-fall liability risks, or capital contributions.

Mark says the program also shows how to overcome the problems commonly associated with bad credit. Mr. Maupin says that his new DVD program will help investors find motivated sellers, generate cash leads, sell their leads to motivated buyers and investors, partner with experienced investors, market and advertise in more innovative ways, and even receive profits from the work of others.
Mark listed several \nadvantages provided by the buyer-favorable purchase agreement on the included \nprogram CD. Investors can assign buy/sell agreements without tax prorations, and \ncan use the agreement to file a claim of interest. The agreement provides three \nescape clauses that help avoid seller conflicts, includes ten additional \nbuyer-favorable clauses and a memorandum to a buy/sell agreement. Mark \nMaupin has been working in real estate for 25 years. In that time he’s purchased \nmore than 3500 single-family homes and many multi-family properties. He’s a \nmember of commercial MLS at a national level, including the Real Estate Land \nInstitute. Mr. Maupin’s experience includes knowledge of real estate marketing \nand finance, construction and remodeling. As Mark recently told a gathering of \ninvestors, “The greater your base of knowledge, the more opportunities you’ll be \nable to identify.” For more information about “Success in Generating \nLeads” and other related investor training programs, see Mark Maupin’s website \nat: www.mrleaseoption.com.

To learn more about the National Real Estate Network, \nvisit www.megaeveningevent.com. Contact: National Real Estate \nInvestors Network Mark Maupin Tel: 734-402-0180 © \n2006 GroupWeb.com. All rights reserved. \nMark MaupinNational Real Estate Network, \nLLCmark@megaeveningevent.comwww.detroitinvestmenthomes.com",1]
Mark listed several advantages provided by the buyer-favorable purchase agreement on the included program CD. Investors can assign buy/sell agreements without tax perorations, and can use the agreement to file a claim of interest. The agreement provides three escape clauses that help avoid seller conflicts, includes ten additional buyer-favorable clauses and a memorandum to a buy/sell agreement. Mark Maupin has been working in real estate for 25 years. In that time he’s purchased more than 3500 single-family homes and many multi-family properties. He’s a member of commercial MLS at a national level, including the Real Estate Land Institute.

Mr. Maupin’s experience includes knowledge of real estate marketing and finance, construction and remodeling. As Mark recently told a gathering of investors, “The greater your base of knowledge, the more opportunities you’ll be able to identify.” For more information about “Success in Generating Leads” and other related investor training programs, see
Mark Maupin’s website at: www.mrleaseoption.com. To learn more about the National Real Estate Network, visit www.megaeveningevent.com. Contact: National Real Estate Investors Network Mark Maupin Tel: 734-402-0180

Where to Find Investment Properties
Need a Mentor?

Real estate investing is a great way to create wealth and plan old cash flow. Real estate courses are great. They give lots of information, but once someone is ready to purchase that first property they think to themselves, if only there was a real estate mentor to consult. Mark Maupin, co-founder of the National Real Estate Network LLC, says, The beginning investors can benefit greatly from a mentor with a proven track record of success, to help guide them into reaching their investment goals and to help prevent some costly mistakes that the new investor might not otherwise understand.

In the past, many beginning investors have approached Mark with thousands of questions. Out of this need he has created, The MP Real Estate Mentoring Program. The Market Proven Real Estate Investor's Mentoring Program is a one year long, hands-on, real estate developmental program incorporating virtual field experience, taught by Michigan Investors for Michigan Investments. Your teachers and mentors are available to meet with, and help develop several investment strategies and procedures. These mentors know the real estate market. They know they local contractors, local lenders, local officials, and have decades of personal networks that will be available through the Investor’s Mentoring Program.

The MP Real Estate Investor’s Program will be just one of the topics being discussed at the Beginning Investor Seminar held by the National Real Estate Network on October, 23, 2006, the main topic will be “ Where To Find Investment Properties”Additional topics will include, common real estate terms, how to get education without spending a fortune, and In-depth resources available in this market that are free or have very low cost. Join Mark Maupin and the National Real Estate Network for:

Beginner Investors Seminar.
Where: Southfield Holiday Inn, 26555 Telegraph Southfield, Michigan
Who: Mr. Ralph Mark Maupin co founder of the National Real Estate Network LLC Topic of the Month: Where to Find Investment Properties (and much, much more.) For questions or information on the Mentoring Program or the Beginning Investors Seminar please call: 248-762-0800 Or visit us on the web at www.megaeveningevent.com

Thursday, October 12, 2006

New Investor Real Estate Club in Southeast Michigan
Exciting Topics for the New and Old Investor each Month

National Real Estate Network holds a monthly seminars on real estate issues that welcome new motivated members. The topics range from, how to get started in Real Estate Investing, to the complex issues of Commercial Investing. This network holds it’s meeting the last Monday of the month in Southfield, Michigan.

The club has had many notable guests and seasoned professionals that speak in the areas of Investment Insurance, Business Lines of Credit, Investors Websites, A Quick Home and Property Locator, Lease Option or Rent to Own, No Money Down, Foreclosures, Government Grants, and Commercial Real Estate ventures.

This beginners network meeting is centrally located, only 20 minutes from Wayne County communities such as Detroit, Canton, Northville, Plymouth, Livonia. We are near all Oakland county communities, such as; Birmingham, Bloomfield, Franklin, Farmington, Novi, Royal Oak, Troy, Waterford, West Bloomfield. Topics routinely covered are: A Mentoring Program for New Investors, Common Real Estate Terms and Venues, How to Get Started Without Risk, How To Get Education Without Spending A Fortune, In-Depth Resources Available in the Real Estate Market, Sellers That Buyers Look For, How to Find Investment Property, What Determines the Price of the Investment Property, Investment Insurance, A Business Credit, Lease Options, Commercial Real Estate and much more.

The next meeting date: October 23,
Time of the meeting: 6-8PM
Seminar topic: How to Find Investment Property
The Location of meeting: Southfield Holiday Inn
26555 Telegraph Rd.
Southfield, MIContact: Mark Maupin 248-939-6232 to reserve a seat, seating is limited.or go to www.megaeveningevent.com

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Mr. Commercial Real Estate Launches Affiliate Program

Pat Winter, the National Real Estate Network’s #1 ranked commercial real estate speaker, announced that he has recently launched an affiliate program on his website that allows other entrepreneurs to market his products.

Mr. Winter, also known as Mr. Commercial Real Estate, began his career as a teenager working for his father, an established commercial real estate investor. Pat went on to manage his own successful commercial real estate investing business, specializing in retail, manufacturing and office properties. Recently, Mr. Winter began offering his real estate investing expertise to the public via seminars, CDs and DVD video training programs. His new affiliate program enables others to market his products from their own websites and earn sales commissions, with no costs involved. As Pat says, “Marketing on the Internet enables businesses to pool their efforts to reach a much wider audience.”

Mark Maupin, one of the founders of the National Real Estate Network, recently said of Pat Winter’s seminars and training materials, “Pat Winter is providing valuable information about commercial real estate that you won't find anywhere else. He’s called Mr. Commercial Real Estate because he knows the commercial real estate business inside out. Pat Winter knows what works and what doesn’t work, and he isn’t afraid to share what he’s learned, including his failures as well as his many successes. In my 29 years in real estate I’ve never seen the depth of information that Mr. Commercial Real Estate provides on topics that are seldom if ever discussed in detail in real estate investor clubs.”

Members of the National Real Estate Investors Network, LLC, have frequent opportunities to meet Pat Winter in person at their ongoing Mega Evening Events. To learn more about Mr. Commercial Real Estate’s new affiliate program, and his other professional real estate investing programs, see Pat Winter’s website at http://www.mrcommercialre.com/

The Quick Home Finder Will Search and Find Homes in the Multi Listing Service (MLS) in Seconds
A Fast and Free User Friendly Internet Home Finder for Buyers

Michigan Investors and Home Buyers can now search for properties quickly, on the Internet in the Detroit Metro area. Mr. Larry Morris, an associate broker at Real Estate One, in Royal Oak, Michigan, showed investors and homeowners a great tool for locating homes.

The amazing thing about it was that Mr. Morris showed customers and real estate agents how to use the Internet tool in 60 seconds. It takes only 60 seconds to search more than 30,000 available Real Estate listings in Southeast Michigan. The site contains an array of photos and goggle mapping of each property. And this sophisticated; state of the art database catalogs all the search data entered by the visitor.

It was interesting to see that when the homebuyers and realtors went on the site, there wasn’t any need for questions. That is how simple this website is to use. Larry Morris said, “The information age is here. Armed with more information, my clients will be able to make better choices. I always want satisfied clients, and this tool truly helps the client, as well as the Real Estate agent’s business.” To all involved in the search, this website proved to be great benefit.

Looking to buy a home one can begin and end your search on this site. Looking to sell a home, feature a home on this site.
Real estate agents looking for buyers and sellers, use this site to help find and assist the real estate buyers, and the return traffic this site generates helps sell client listings.

Contact: http://www.thequickhomefinder.com Thequickhomefinder.com LLC Mark Maupin Tel: 248-939-6232

Financial Resources for Investors
Michigan Real Estate Club Brings Answers

National Real Estate Network LLC believes that wanting to make money in real estate is not enough and that many would-be and seasoned investors can lack the financial as well as other resources needed to reach their investment goals. National Real Estate Network has created a setting for investors to form business relationships and find investment opportunities. “Once those investment opportunities are located financing can make or break the deal” says, Mark Maupin Co-founder of National Real Estate Network. Leading expert on line of credit financing

Mr. Thomas Kish says, “Setting up business lines of credit is the most important thing an investor can do, because these lines of credit allow you to draw cash from them to keep as a reserve when you are buying, rehabbing or renting properties”. Tom is recognized as one of the nations leading authorities on how to get and use business lines of credit and cash advances that do not report activity onto a personal credit report.

Mr. Kish has shared the stage with best selling authors, Robert Allen, Mark Victor Hansen, and Robert Kiyosaki. Mr. Kish will be sharing his expert advice at the next mega evening event held by the National Real Estate Network LLC. Any would-be, new or seasoned investor will learn valuable information. Anyone simply needing cash flow for other business ventures, this is an evening that shouldn’t be missed. Mr. Kish will offer his 4-step technique to create a cash flow that is sure to grow your business.

When: October 19, 2006 at 6:00 pm – 9:30 pm Where: Laurel Manor, 39000 Schoolcraft Road, Livonia, Michigan 48150.

Price: FREE for Members, $20 for non-members
Come and network with other investors, bring your business cards, flyers, properties for sale and your properties wanted wish list.

To pre-register or for questions please send your name and the date of the meeting you wish to attend to info@megaeveningevent.com or call (248) 762-0800.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Lease Option, Rent To Own, Lease To Own, and Rent with Option to Buy Are All Saying The Same How to Get Top Dollar for Property Every Time

Lessons learned on exit strategies from rental properties and hard to sell real estate:
Having over 300 rental properties; equates to over-buying. Things were out of control with rental properties. With the help of an associate, and Real Estate Broker together developing a Lease with Option to Buy Program, which then was utilized to sell most of these rental properties. The Lease with Option to Buy Program resulted in the following: 1. Long-term tenants pay above market rent 2. Tenants who are taking pride in ownership, making improvements to the property 3. Sales that would not of happened otherwise, at above market prices .Using this exit strategy many times, it removed the overwhelming situation. Your tenants might not necessarily know the meaning of Lease with Option to Buy, but they do know the term, Rent to Own

Increase Profits Through the Use of Lease Options
1. Expect five times the number of responses than a regular "For Rent" ad. There are a lot of people looking for an opportunity to own their home.2. The tenants will be people inherently more responsible and serious about owning their next home.3. One will receive a monthly payment towards the option fee (the fee being paid to grant the option) in addition to the monthly rent, thereby increasing your monthly cash flow. 4. People looking to buy with a lease option are generally willing to pay a slightly higher sales price, often 15% higher.

To set up a Lease with Option to Purchase with a tenant, one will need all of the documents that would normally use to set up a simple rental/lease. (Rental Agreement, check-in/check-out list, Lead Base Paint Disclosure and pamphlet, Smoke Detector Agreement and any other agreements normally used).In addition, one will need an Option agreement, be sure to use one that protects as the Option or, as many option forms available favor the Optioned. Attached to the Option will be a Purchase Agreement, which will spell out the terms of the sale that the tenant may purchase under, in the future. NOTE: It is important that both parties just initial the Purchase Agreement on the top or bottom corner to acknowledge that the terms have been agreed to but it is not yet a binding Purchase Agreement. One will want to be sure to use an Option form that is non recordable, on the public records so that the tenant doesn't unnecessarily cloud the title to your property

How to structure a Lease Option:
1. Charge market rent. Don't give discounts on rent just because the tenants are also paying you a monthly option fee or they are planning on buying the house; the option is separate from the rental.
2. Get as much option fee up front. The more the perspective tenants pay up front, the greater their risk will be if they don't follow through. Credit the option fee towards the sale price if they close.
3. In Michigan, one can only collect equal to 1-1/2times the amount of the rental rent as security deposit up front when renting, plus one may have to give it back if the tenants move.
4. Make your option cancelable if the tenants default in any of the terms of the rental/lease. (We have this incorporated into all agreements)
5. Work with a mortgage loan officer to qualify perspective tenants. Have the loan officer advise on how long it will take to have the tenant "mortgage ready", then set lease option term accordingly.
6. When pricing property, one will be able to get more than market price, but remember the property will have to appraise for the purchase price when they qualify for the mortgage. 15% or higher is a good range, figuring their option fee being deducted and appreciation.
7. Make the tenant responsible for repairs and maintenance to the property; make sure the rental agreement states they are responsible for the cost of such repairs and renovations. (Keep in mind under Michigan law, owners are still ultimately responsible).

To learn more, visit our website at www.MrLeaseOption.com to see our class schedule and find out when our next Option Seminar will be held. Check out our products list.

Real estate investing by nature is risky. Win, lose, or break even, we cannot guarantee a profit or loss. We do not provide legal, accounting, or contracting advice. Mark Maupin has purchased and sold in excess of 3,500 homes and properties. Mark teaches real estate investing seminars, and has real estate mentoring program.

Friday, October 06, 2006

New DVD Workshop, The Art of Finding, Fixing, and Flipping Real EstateNew Training Program for Investors

National Real Estate Network’s number one ranked real estate speaker, Mark Maupin - “Mr. Lease Option” - has announced the impending release of the latest training program “Find, Fix and Sell.” The new video-based training program is based on Mr. Maupin’s “Find, Fix and Sell” seminar. Mr. Maupin explained, “Our new DVD set is designed for those who missed the original learning experience, but still want to learn how to succeed in the real estate market.” The five DVD set is designed for people with varying levels of experience in real estate investing, including investors who are interested only in rental properties.

The video program gives detailed information about how to find and price property, negotiate buys, do self-marketing, title property, fix and rehabilitate property, find experienced sub-contractors, and create exit strategies for selling and lease options. Mr. Maupin’s considerable knowledge of real estate covers every aspect from marketing and finance to construction and remodeling. His grasp of the potential of real estate has enabled him to develop innovative marketing and business concepts for his organization. As one of the founders of the National Real Estate Network, he continues to further his education and learning whenever possible and encourages other investors to so. Mr. Maupin conducts ongoing real estate investing seminars, as well as a real estate mentoring program. “The greater your base of knowledge, the more opportunities you will be able to identify,” he recently told an audience of investors.

Commercial real estate expert, Pat Winter www.mrcommercialre.com , recently told an audience, “Mark Maupin’s Find Fix and Sell program contains lots of ‘how-to’ information for purchasing and rehabbing residential homes, as well as great exit strategies.” For more information about “Find, Fix and Sell” and other related products, go to

Mark Maupin’s website at: www.mrleaseoption.com Contact: National Real Estate Investors Network Mark Maupin Tel: 734-402-0180

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Michigan Commercial Real Estate Investor Club Holds Training Event Open to the Public

Where to Get Commercial Real Estate Education and Mentoring

New Investor Commercial Real Estate Club holds monthly seminars on real estate issues that welcome new-motivated members now meeting in Southfield, Michigan. The Club is sponsoring a FREE SEMINAR on how to get started in real estate. The topic range is for beginners and expands to more complex commercial real estate investments. Meetings are held monthly.
Topics to be covered are: How to find undervalued commercial properties How to redevelop the properties How to develop new property New and exciting creative tools for tax free income Financing commercial properties Discuss one year mentoring program

This beginners program is centrally located, only minutes away from Oakland and Wayne county cities such as, Detroit, Birmingham, Farmington, Canton, Plymouth, Novi, Livonia, Troy, Royal Oak, or Waterford.

The meeting date: October 24
The time of the meeting: 6-8 pm
Seminar topic: How to Get Started in Real Estate Investing

The Location of the meeting: Southfield Holiday Inn
26555 Telegraph Rd.
Southfield, Michigan

Contact: Pat Winter 248-770-2897 or Mark Maupin 248-939-6232 to reserve seat,Seating is limited, or visitwww.mrcommercialre.com or www.megaeveningevent.com

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

The New Entrepreneur: A Real Estate Investing Network in MichiganA New is Topic Covered Each MonthNational Real Estate Network holds a monthly seminars on real estate issues that welcome new motivated members. The topics range from, how to get started in Real Estate Investing, to the complex issues of Commercial Investing. This network holds it’s meeting the last Monday of the month in Southfield, Michigan.

The club has had many notable guests and seasoned professionals that speak in the areas of Investment Insurance, Business Lines of Credit, Investors Websites, A Quick Home and Property Locator, Lease Option or Rent to Own, No Money Down, Foreclosures, Government Grants, and Commercial Real Estate ventures.

This beginners network meeting is centrally located, only 20 minutes from Wayne County communities such as Detroit, Canton, Plymouth, Livonia. We are near all Oakland county communities, such as; Birmingham, Bloomfield, Farmington, Novi, Royal Oak, Troy, Waterford, West Bloomfield. Topics routinely covered are: A Mentoring Program for New Investors, Common Real Estate Terms and Venues, How to Get Started Without Risk, How To Get Education Without Spending A Fortune, In-Depth Resources Available in the Real Estate Market, Sellers That Buyers Look For, How to Find Investment Property, What Determines the Price of the Investment Property, Investment Insurance, A Business Credit, Lease Options, Commercial Real Estate and much more.

The next meeting date: October 23,
Time of the meeting: 6-8PM
Seminar topic: How to Find Investment Property
The Location of meeting: Southfield Holiday Inn
26555 Telegraph Rd.
Southfield, MIContact: Mark Maupin 248-939-6232 to reserve a seat, seating is limited.or go to www.megaeveningevent.com

Recovery Small Group Bible Study Making a Difference!
Group Meets Every Friday in Highland, Michigan

This year-long program is based on the Tyndale Life Recovery Bible and the Alcoholics Anonymous Big Book for 12-step work. It will feature a periodic psychological overview as well as occasional guest speakers in medical, theological, and psychological fields. The group will be open to people of all ages in general community. Leading the group is Dennis Cyporyn, who understands the need and the struggle, but also knows there is hope.

The open discussion will serve as a forum to work through one step per month with a new topic each week. The Life Recovery Bible offers a tried and proven program. Each of the 12-steps appears on the right with related Scripture on the left.

The group meets weekly on Friday, from 7-8:30 pm at Highland United Methodist Church. Highland United Methodist Church is located at
680 W. Livingston Street,
Between M-59 and Milford Road.
For more information contract :
Dennis Cyporyn at dcyporyn@humc.us or recovery@humc.us
Tel: 248-939-6232

Detroit Metro Area Property Locator for Real Estate!
#1 Home Finder for Michigan Homes

Buyers Can Now Search Properties fast and easy on line In Most Counties in Michigan. Users can find homes, vacation property, lake front homes, commercial real estate, and multi listing services.On October 19, 2006 in Livonia, Larry Morris, Associate Broker with Real Estate One, will show investors and homeowners a great free tool for finding homes that can be use any time they want on the Internet. Ralph Mark Maupin of National Real Estate Network said “A person can search more than 30,000 available real estate listings in Detroit Metro Area.

The site contains photos, map, and information on each property on each page which has not been seen in this market property information. Web site is cataloging all of the searches criteria data entered by the visitors to the website, the exact properties that these visitors clicked on in order to view all of the large photographs and maps, and those properties which the site visitor identified as their favorites. The site even tracks the original search engine terms that the visitor used, or website classified advertisement, link or website from which the visitor linked to search to look at 30,000 homes in Michigan http://www.thequickhomefinder.com

Contact: For information for the October 19, 2006 event call Mark Maupin at 248-939-6232

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Larry Morris, Associate Broker for Real Estate One Detroit, Ann Arbor, and Northern Michigan Real Estate, Will Show A Free Home Locator to National Real Estate Network

Mr. Morris Is Agent With Michigan's Largest Real Estate Company that Searches Thousands of Updated Listings for Michigan Homes And Properties For Sale.Members of National Real Estate Network, LLC have asked Larry Morris to speak to all of its members at their October 19, 2006 meeting. Ralph Marcus (Mark) Maupin of National Real Estate Network said “Larry Morris, Member of the National Association of REALTORS® and of TheQuickHomeFinder.com LLC will show investors and home owners how view homes any time they want on the Internet! Buyers can now search properties easily by themselves in most Michigan counties and find real estate listings, realtors, mortgage rates, home loans, and home buying help. Uniquely combining the simple and sophisticated there is no better website to search more than 30,000 available real estate listings in Southeast Michigan. The site contains photos, Google mapping of each property and simple, flexible search criteria.”

Just as behind every great man, there is a great woman, behind this number one consumer rated real estate website is an equally sophisticated, state of the art database, cataloging all of the searches criteria data entered by the visitors to the website, the exact properties that these visitors clicked on in order to view all of the large photographs and maps, and those properties which the site visitor identified as their favorites. The site even tracks the original search engine terms that the visitor used, or linked to search to look at 30,000 homes in South East Michigan. Mr. Morris said “the quick home finder will cover: Michigan Real Estate, Northern Michigan Real Estate, Detroit Real Estate, Michigan Homes For Sale, Ann Arbor Real Estate, Michigan Real Estate Listing, Detroit Real Estate Agent, Michigan Vacation Homes" Any one in Michigan looking to buy a home or investment property, can begin and end your search on this site. Looking to sell a home, it needs to be featured on this site.

Contact: http://www.thequickhomefinder.comThequickhomefinder.com LLC Mark Maupin Tel: 248-939-6232

Real Estate One Associate Broker, Leads The Way In Offering Fast and Simple Property Locator!

A New Free Home Search and Finder is Changing Market In Michigan On Finding Homes, Vacation Property, Lake Front Homes, and Commercial Real Estate

Buyers Can Now Search Properties fast and easy Online In Most Counties In Michigan. Larry Morris an Associate Broker for Real Estate One in Royal Oak Michigan shows investors and homeowners a great free tool for finding homes that can be use any time they want on the Internet. Larry Morris said, “The information age is here. Armed with more information, my clients will make better choices. I always want satisfied clients. This tool will truly help my business.”

Ralph Mark Maupin of National Real Estate Network said, “Mr. Larry Morris has changed the very way we do business in Michigan. In viewing a person can search more than 30,000 available real estate listings in SE Michigan. The site contains photos, map, and information on each property on each page, which has not been seen in this market property information. Web site is cataloging all of the searches criteria data entered by the visitors to the website, the exact properties that these visitors clicked on in order to view all of the large photographs and maps, and those properties which the site visitor identified as their favorites. The site even tracks the original search engine terms that the visitor used, or website classified advertisement, link or website from which the visitor linked to search to look at 30,000 homes in South East Michigan.

Contact: http://www.thequickhomefinder.com/ Thequickhomefinder.com LLC Mark Maupin Tel: 248-939-6232