"As a landlord, how many times have you found yourself being taken advantage of because you either didn't have a contract or the one you had was a joke?"
Dear Customer,
Is this the situation that is facing you? You're now in court and you failed to have the proper late charge clause (and you don't get paid any late charges) because you thought you had it covered in your contract (but didn't).
· If you want to be able to collect late charges…
· If you want to have your tenants pay for the water…
· If you thought you only had one tenant but go to court and find out that your rental agreement doesn't address how many people live there…
· If you find out that the tenants have 2 pit bulls and a snake living in the house and you never addressed it and the judge says it's OK…
· If the grass is 2 feet tall and there's nothing you can do about it except go and mow it because your rental agreement didn't address it…
· If your tenant is now suing you because the house had a fire and you never addressed insurance coverage, so now you've got to prove that the renter isn't entitled to having his possessions covered…
then this might be the most important letter you'll ever read.
Here's why:
We have the only market-proven, simple and easy-to-use rental agreement for real estate property that has been reviewed by 8 attorneys in the Michigan market over the years. It has been used by landlords who have over 300 properties to those who only own one or two, and there have been no failures (only some revisions) in the 10 years it's been in use.
Now, I know you're probably skeptical. That's normal and healthy. Let me give you three good reasons we can back up what we claim:
Three Reasons To Believe What I Say
Reason one: The agreement has been successfully used by hundreds of large and small landlords.
Reason two: The agreement has been used to teach real estate seminars to large groups of landlords. All of their concerns are now addressed by the document.
Reason three: Dog-gone it, it works! Every landlord who has used this agreement has been very pleased with the results.
Here is a summary of the benefits you receive
· It establishes an exact term of the rental agreement. (Which means that you're not locked into a long-term agreement with somebody.)
· It gives you options as to how the rent will be paid – weekly, every 2 weeks or monthly. (You have control over the term of the lease.)
· It addresses late charges, returned checks, attorney fees and costs of collection. (You are able to collect the costs associated with collecting – in other words more money to you or you get to keep your money.)
· It addresses who is going to pay the utilities. (You're not getting stuck with costly utility bills that you can't control.)
· It assures that you will collect your security deposit. (You don't have to chase people after-the-fact. You will have their security deposit out of which to take the damages.)
· It allows for cleaning fees. (And you can collect your cleaning fees. You don't have to chase someone who won't ever pay anyway.)
· It addresses how each party is to give the other party notice. (You actually get to receive notice rather than finding out that something already happened and no one has informed you.)
· It has a "use and occupancy" section which addresses the number of persons allowed to live in the property. If there's any guest who stays over the allowable visitor's period, it addresses how much they owe you. (You don't have unknown people living in your house and tearing it up.)
· It has a pet section which addresses whether they are allowed to have pets. (You determine whether or not to allow pets and what kind – you're not faced with someone's illegal pit bull biting a neighbor. This agreement will minimize or eliminate your liability.)
· It has a section of house rules spelling out important items such as noise, odor, refuse disposal, parking in common areas, etc. (You get to set the rules so you don't have the tenant's children using the chandelier as a swing-set.)
· It addresses the conditions of the premises: maintenance, repairs and alterations, including specifically what the tenant is responsible for. (You don't get stuck picking up their trash.)
· It address whether or not appliances are included. (You're not forced into having to buy new appliances unless that's what you've agreed to do.)
· It addresses insurance coverage. (You reduce the possibility of being sued by the tenant because you've addressed that right up-front.)
· It addresses controlled substances. (You make it explicitly clear as to what is allowed and not allowed in the property.)
· It has an indemnification clause to protect the landlord (you!).
· It has an injury and inspection clause allowing the landlord to inspect the premises at reasonable times. (This allows you to come back to check and see if they are tearing your house up to shreds.)
· It has an abandonment clause. (This allows you to get possession of your property in the event that they abandon it.)
· It addresses the issue that the tenant cannot sublease the apartment without the landlord's approval. (You don't have the tenant subleasing the apartment out to some drug dealer that you are now stuck having to deal with. Everybody has to be approved by you first.)
· It addresses if you have more than one tenant and they all sign the lease, they are now each responsible 100% for the rental contract. (If one person stiffs you, you can collect all your money from the other one(s) who signed the lease agreement.)
Now, you're probably wondering how and why we can promise all those things.
Let me explain.
· I, like you, have been through the ups and downs of being a landlord. In fact, you can call me a worn-out landlord. And using what I've learned, you will have a tool that puts you above (and ahead of) 73% of the landlords out there.
· Our agreement is easy to read and explain, clear and concise, and spells out who is responsible for what.
· We offer this lease in an electronic format that you can use over and over again.
Warning: Do NOT confuse this Rental Agreement with one you would buy at the local office supply store
There is a lot of confusion surrounding rental agreements. I want to give you 3 elements you absolutely, positively must have in any rental agreement you obtain:
1: It is tested and market-proven.
2: It is has been reviewed, revised, and updated by 6 or more lawyers.
3: It has been tested with (and by) experienced landlords.
You get at least 10 times your money's worth!
This rental agreement gives you everything you need to be in control of your tenants and rental property.
In summary, you get a kick-butt (7 page) Lease Agreement that works!
If you respond right away, you pay only $25.00 $1.00
Act immediately and receive the following bonus
Since I know it's 100% to your benefit to act right away, I want to sweeten the pot and give you every possible reason to say YES today! If you respond immediately, you'll also receive the following:
Free bonus:
A guide to useful real estate investing websites (Value $15)
Here's how to order right now!
To order the eRental Agreement for Real Estate Property just click on the link below:
To your landlording success,
R. Mark Maupin
P.S. Act now because we are only offering the free bonus to our first 100 customers.
P.P.S. Take action now to take control of your rental property.
Real estate, by its very nature, is risky. The E-book forms, CDS, and/or DVDs contained in this publication are intended for instructional purposes only. They are offered with the understanding that neither the publisher nor the author is engaged in rendering legal, tax or other professional services and that these forms, CDS and DVDs should be reviewed by an attorney before being used by the reader. If legal, tax or other expert assistance is required, including but not limited to the review of these forms, CDS and DVDs, the services of a competent professional should be sought
Dear Customer,
Is this the situation that is facing you? You're now in court and you failed to have the proper late charge clause (and you don't get paid any late charges) because you thought you had it covered in your contract (but didn't).
· If you want to be able to collect late charges…
· If you want to have your tenants pay for the water…
· If you thought you only had one tenant but go to court and find out that your rental agreement doesn't address how many people live there…
· If you find out that the tenants have 2 pit bulls and a snake living in the house and you never addressed it and the judge says it's OK…
· If the grass is 2 feet tall and there's nothing you can do about it except go and mow it because your rental agreement didn't address it…
· If your tenant is now suing you because the house had a fire and you never addressed insurance coverage, so now you've got to prove that the renter isn't entitled to having his possessions covered…
then this might be the most important letter you'll ever read.
Here's why:
We have the only market-proven, simple and easy-to-use rental agreement for real estate property that has been reviewed by 8 attorneys in the Michigan market over the years. It has been used by landlords who have over 300 properties to those who only own one or two, and there have been no failures (only some revisions) in the 10 years it's been in use.
Now, I know you're probably skeptical. That's normal and healthy. Let me give you three good reasons we can back up what we claim:
Three Reasons To Believe What I Say
Reason one: The agreement has been successfully used by hundreds of large and small landlords.
Reason two: The agreement has been used to teach real estate seminars to large groups of landlords. All of their concerns are now addressed by the document.
Reason three: Dog-gone it, it works! Every landlord who has used this agreement has been very pleased with the results.
Here is a summary of the benefits you receive
· It establishes an exact term of the rental agreement. (Which means that you're not locked into a long-term agreement with somebody.)
· It gives you options as to how the rent will be paid – weekly, every 2 weeks or monthly. (You have control over the term of the lease.)
· It addresses late charges, returned checks, attorney fees and costs of collection. (You are able to collect the costs associated with collecting – in other words more money to you or you get to keep your money.)
· It addresses who is going to pay the utilities. (You're not getting stuck with costly utility bills that you can't control.)
· It assures that you will collect your security deposit. (You don't have to chase people after-the-fact. You will have their security deposit out of which to take the damages.)
· It allows for cleaning fees. (And you can collect your cleaning fees. You don't have to chase someone who won't ever pay anyway.)
· It addresses how each party is to give the other party notice. (You actually get to receive notice rather than finding out that something already happened and no one has informed you.)
· It has a "use and occupancy" section which addresses the number of persons allowed to live in the property. If there's any guest who stays over the allowable visitor's period, it addresses how much they owe you. (You don't have unknown people living in your house and tearing it up.)
· It has a pet section which addresses whether they are allowed to have pets. (You determine whether or not to allow pets and what kind – you're not faced with someone's illegal pit bull biting a neighbor. This agreement will minimize or eliminate your liability.)
· It has a section of house rules spelling out important items such as noise, odor, refuse disposal, parking in common areas, etc. (You get to set the rules so you don't have the tenant's children using the chandelier as a swing-set.)
· It addresses the conditions of the premises: maintenance, repairs and alterations, including specifically what the tenant is responsible for. (You don't get stuck picking up their trash.)
· It address whether or not appliances are included. (You're not forced into having to buy new appliances unless that's what you've agreed to do.)
· It addresses insurance coverage. (You reduce the possibility of being sued by the tenant because you've addressed that right up-front.)
· It addresses controlled substances. (You make it explicitly clear as to what is allowed and not allowed in the property.)
· It has an indemnification clause to protect the landlord (you!).
· It has an injury and inspection clause allowing the landlord to inspect the premises at reasonable times. (This allows you to come back to check and see if they are tearing your house up to shreds.)
· It has an abandonment clause. (This allows you to get possession of your property in the event that they abandon it.)
· It addresses the issue that the tenant cannot sublease the apartment without the landlord's approval. (You don't have the tenant subleasing the apartment out to some drug dealer that you are now stuck having to deal with. Everybody has to be approved by you first.)
· It addresses if you have more than one tenant and they all sign the lease, they are now each responsible 100% for the rental contract. (If one person stiffs you, you can collect all your money from the other one(s) who signed the lease agreement.)
Now, you're probably wondering how and why we can promise all those things.
Let me explain.
· I, like you, have been through the ups and downs of being a landlord. In fact, you can call me a worn-out landlord. And using what I've learned, you will have a tool that puts you above (and ahead of) 73% of the landlords out there.
· Our agreement is easy to read and explain, clear and concise, and spells out who is responsible for what.
· We offer this lease in an electronic format that you can use over and over again.
Warning: Do NOT confuse this Rental Agreement with one you would buy at the local office supply store
There is a lot of confusion surrounding rental agreements. I want to give you 3 elements you absolutely, positively must have in any rental agreement you obtain:
1: It is tested and market-proven.
2: It is has been reviewed, revised, and updated by 6 or more lawyers.
3: It has been tested with (and by) experienced landlords.
You get at least 10 times your money's worth!
This rental agreement gives you everything you need to be in control of your tenants and rental property.
In summary, you get a kick-butt (7 page) Lease Agreement that works!
If you respond right away, you pay only $25.00 $1.00
Act immediately and receive the following bonus
Since I know it's 100% to your benefit to act right away, I want to sweeten the pot and give you every possible reason to say YES today! If you respond immediately, you'll also receive the following:
Free bonus:
A guide to useful real estate investing websites (Value $15)
Here's how to order right now!
To order the eRental Agreement for Real Estate Property just click on the link below:
To your landlording success,
R. Mark Maupin
P.S. Act now because we are only offering the free bonus to our first 100 customers.
P.P.S. Take action now to take control of your rental property.
Real estate, by its very nature, is risky. The E-book forms, CDS, and/or DVDs contained in this publication are intended for instructional purposes only. They are offered with the understanding that neither the publisher nor the author is engaged in rendering legal, tax or other professional services and that these forms, CDS and DVDs should be reviewed by an attorney before being used by the reader. If legal, tax or other expert assistance is required, including but not limited to the review of these forms, CDS and DVDs, the services of a competent professional should be sought
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