Ralph Mark Maupin

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Location: Livonia, Michigan, United States

I first became involved with real estate in 1981 when my wife gave me a choice of ballroom dance or real estate classes. I chose real estate, and began buying properties as rental investments. Over the years in working with real estate, I have purchased in excess of 3,500 single-family homes and pick up the name Mr. Lease Option. My web is www.mrleaseoption.com I teach over 40 real estate investment seminars a year, and running investment club www.megaeventingevent.com keeps me on the go.

Friday, January 19, 2007

The Three Magic Words Of Internet Millionaires

Want to make Internet success magic? Check out the magic secrets of Internet millionaires.

There are two business models in the world of the Internet Millionaire, the Bankruptcy Model and the Internet Millionaire model. What type of business model do you follow? Which way you are heading? Let’s look at each model in more detail.

The bankruptcy model: You think you have a main focus, but you are selling unrelated products. You try your hand at too many opportunities. You efforts are all over the place.

Internet Millionaire model: You focus on your list, sending articles, Internet marketing, search engine optimization, etc. You are focused on business tasks that relate to each other. You are not all over the place like in the bankruptcy model.

Internet Millionaires ask powerful questions. The questions are “What” and “How” types of questions. They don’t ask “Why”. They ask questions like - What did you do to make that happen? How did you make that happen?
Essentially, Internet millionaires don’t focus on why something went wrong. Instead, they focus on how they can fix something that went wrong.

Internet millionaires focus on magic three words to achieve success. Following is a look at the magic words and how you can apply them to your Internet business.

Three magic words Internet Millionaires use:
Magic Word #1: Monetize. How can I monetize this?
Magic Word #2: Systematize – How can you systematize a process?
Magic Word #3: Residualize – How can you set up a situation to earn residuals and not worry about it anymore? You can set up with affiliates for example.

To ensure that you will reach Internet success, take the action step of “The Cell Phone Challenge”. This means that you will remove people that are negative from your cell phone list when you decide to make your first million. You need to focus on your million dollar run. You want to avoid any negative mind chatter. You need to block out those that bring up negative voices in your mind. Don’t listen to them. Tell yourself that you are going to earn one million dollars no matter what. See it as a challenge.

Bonus Tips from Internet millionaires:
Tip #1: You need to be a master at marketing. You need to know how to turn words into money. It is amazing to earn money from emails and articles that you send out to your subscriber list. You need to know how to effectively write and speak in public.

Tip #2: Realize that it is your duty to make your dreams happen.

Matt Bacak’s help is the inside edge you need to become a successful email marketer. There's no obligation and no hype. Just secret tips and strategies to make your ezine explode with subscribers. To get this information visit: http://www.powerfulpromoter.com/ or http://www.promotingtips.com/

The Nine Common Characteristics Of Internet Millionaires

Unleash the secrets of Internet Millionaires. Learn the tools Internet millionaires use to explode their success

Internet Millionaire Characteristic #1: Blame versus Learn. Internet millionaires learn from situations. They do not fall into the trap of blaming others. They ask what went wrong in a situation and how can they learn from it? How can they fix it so the situation does not happen again?

Internet Millionaire Characteristic #2: They are decisive. They quickly seize opportunities. They take action. They don’t sit around and hope things happen. Be the first to take advantage of a good opportunity.

Internet Millionaire Characteristic #3: They trust their gut and intuition. They also seek the intuition of people they trust. Trust yourself. This is a skill that you need to constantly work on.

Internet Millionaire Characteristic #4: They are single focused. Don’t spread your interests too thin. For example, if you invest time, money, and effort into real estate, trading stocks, and selling products then you will become stressed. Focus on one area and strive to be number one in that area.

Internet Millionaire Characteristic #5: They are marketing focused. Marketing is at the heart of any business.

Internet Millionaire Characteristic #6: They are education focused. Understand the importance of continuing education. Constantly learn from your own business as well as attend seminars. Go see how businesses have actually achieved success.

Internet Millionaire Characteristic #7: They aren’t afraid to make mistakes. Don’t worry about making mistakes, just get started. Do whatever it takes to make your goal happen. You may make mistakes, but you can fix them later.

Internet Millionaire Characteristic #8: They model and swipe. This does not mean stealing ideas. It means that you model the ideas from others. Tweak the ideas to suit your needs. You can model the format of a website you like for your own website. You put your own website content into this website format. Another example is to model email messages that you found to be effective or interesting.

Internet Millionaire Characteristic #9: They build a team to achieve success. Don’t become a millionaire by working alone. It is extremely difficult and almost impossible to become an Internet millionaire without any help. You need a team of supporters such as content gurus, tax attorneys, and other support staff. In addition, Internet millionaires outsource tasks to gurus. Don’t try to be guru on every business aspect by yourself.

Matt Bacak’s help is the inside edge you need to become a successful email marketer. There's no obligation and no hype. Just secret tips and strategies to make your ezine explode with subscribers. To get this information visit: http://www.powerfulpromoter.com or http//promotingtips.com

Would You Win This Internet Millionaire Mindset Game?

You could be stifling your success without even realizing it. Learn how the right words and perceptions can sky rocket you to success instead of sinking you down to failure.

Let’s play a game. What would you do if you someone said to you, “I will give you $20 if you give me $5.”? Would run up to grab the money or would you immediately wonder what the catch was? The purpose of this game is to see how you react to the offer of a great opportunity.

If you’re thinking that there is a catch to the game because the offer is too good to be true. Your mindset could be stifling your success. Great opportunities often are presented right to us, but we end up complicating matters. We are educated to believe that opportunities should be difficult and not easy. Therefore, when an easy lucrative opportunity presents itself we may not take action out of fear.

What advice do successful Internet millionaires follow? They know that you need to take action. You need to jump at these great opportunities. Stop any negative thoughts you may have.

You also have to be realistic with your goals. Don’t write a goal of earning your first million in only three months. Start with a small goal such as earning $100 a month. Once you achieve this goal then increase your goal. This allows you to celebrate small victories. You will eventually accomplish your goal of $1,000,000. If you don’t have small victories to celebrate then you may become frustrated and give up.

It may be more difficult to earn your first $100,000 online then to earn your first $1,000,000 online. Once you figure out how to achieve $100,000 it is actually easier to earn $1,000,000. It is easier because you can earn $100,000 ten times in order to earn $1,000,000. Essentially, you take your model for earning $100,000 and employ it ten times.

What are the costs of not having an Internet millionaire mindset? You won’t be able to do things for the ones you love. When you are old you will regret the chances you didn’t take when you were young. Having a millionaire mindset will enable you to avoid regret when you are older.

Many people have actually achieved success and become millionaires. The statistics from the May 2005 Forbes report: 691 Billionaires exist in the world. In India, there are 61,000 millionaires. In the year 2003, 1,400 people each day became millionaires.

Are you the next millionaire? Always challenge yourself to make more money whether it’s your first million or fifth million.

Matt Bacak’s help is the inside edge you need to become a successful email marketer. There's no obligation and no hype. Just secret tips and strategies to make your ezine explode with subscribers. To get this information visit: http://www.powerfulpromoter.com/ or http//promotingtips.com

Break Through The Barriers To Success And Fulfill Your Dreams

You could be stifling your success without even realizing it. Learn how the right words and perceptions can sky rocket you to success instead of sinking you down to failure.

Think about what the following four words brings to mind: Thoughts, Language, Action, Results. These are not just four random words placed together. They are interconnected and lead the path to success. It doesn’t matter if you are already a successful Internet millionaire or a budding Internet business person; you still need to focus on these words every day.

These words interconnected because thoughts turn in language, language turns in action, and action turns into results.

Let’s take a look at the word “language” and how it affects your success. There are two different types of language people that use which include: Decisive and Indecisive language.

A successful Internet millionaire uses decisive language in every aspect of their business.

Decisive words include: Absolutely, I will, I am, For sure, must do something, committed. “Must” is a great word to use. It will ensure that your tasks are completed. Decisive language prompts to take action. You are more likely to achieve the financial results you desire.

If you use indecisive language then your action will be hindered. You won’t achieve the financial results you desire. Indecisive words are vague and sometimes negative. Indecisive: Might, try, hope, maybe, maybe later

Keep in mind that there are two “F” words in business. The two “F” words are Fear and Faith. Indecisive business entrepreneurs have fear. Decisive, successful Internet entrepreneurs on the other hand have faith. Faith means having self confidence. Use decisive language and listen to your gut.

Many business gurus say the word “FEAR” means False Evidence Appearing Real. However, there is another way you can learn from the word “FEAR”. Instead think of the word “FEAR” as meaning False “EDUCATION” Appearing Real. People are educated in the wrong way. We are commonly taught that making millions is supposed to be a hard process. This causes many people to seek success through old business methods.

Let’s take a look at an example where an entrepreneurial mind seeks out unique ways to become successful. An example is about a successful entrepreneur who had a paper route when he was younger. This enabled him to establish a relationship with customers. He then wanted to earn more money on top of his paper route.

He decided to offer to mow his paper route customers’ lawns for $20. This was a way to earn more money. He was able to mow their lawns because of the relationship he had established with the customers. Then he became too busy with two paper routes, mowing lawns, and going to school.

He decided to outsource the law mowing jobs. He paid another kid to mow the lawns for $5/hour. It took one hour to mow each lawn. So he made $15 per lawn and he didn’t even have to mow it! He was able to think is this manner because he didn’t see any barriers as a kid.

Learn from this example. As an adult you may have barriers ingrained into your psyche by your education, family, and society. Don’t limit yourself by these barriers.

Matt Bacak’s help is the inside edge you need to become a successful email marketer. There's no obligation and no hype. Just secret tips and strategies to make your ezine explode with subscribers. To get this information visit: http://www.powerfulpromoter.com/ or http://www.promotingtips.com/

Tap IntoTo The Secrets Of The Internet Millionaire Mindset

Do you have the mindset that will earn you millions in your Internet business? Read on to learn the secrets of successful Internet millionaires.

Developing a mindset of the Internet millionaire will enable you to increase the quality of your life. You will have financial freedom. You will have flexibility in your lifestyle. You don’t have to worry about the small everyday expenses that may have plagued you in the past. Plus, you can choose where you work. You can work in an office. You can work from home. You can work from anywhere because you work through the Internet. Wireless Internet connections enable you to go anywhere. You can even work from the beach!

As an Internet millionaire you can set your own hours. You can work whenever you want to. You don’t have to follow a rigid business schedule of 9-5.

You can travel. You have more family time. You can have time to home school your children.

You can purchase products you have always wanted. You can purchase that car you’ve dreamed of having since you were 16 years old. When you are a millionaire you have the financial resources that allow you to pay in full for a high quality car. Imagine the excitement you will feel when you write a large check for the car and know that you already have plenty of money to buy it.

As an Internet millionaire you can do the activities you dreamed of as a child. For example, as a child you might have wanted to be a pilot when you grew up. Family, friends, and other influential people in your life may have stifled these dreams. With a millionaire mindset you have the chance to fulfill these dreams.

It is just plain fun to be an Internet millionaire. You not only enjoy your drastic increase in income, but love what you do each day.

What are some secrets of successful Internet millionaires?
Secret #1: Your customer list is critical to your success. The quality of your list will set you up to earn millions. You should always strive to build your customer list.

Secret #2: Don’t let your ego get in your way. Pride can sometimes be a disadvantage when it comes to becoming an Internet millionaire.

Secret #3: Internet millionaires know and believe that anybody can achieve success. It doesn’t matter what your background is or where you come from. Everybody has a chance to succeed if they put their mind to it.

Secret #4: You need to understand the long term value of a customer. You may to have to give time or money to initially bring in a customer. Your investment in a new customer will pay for itself over time.

Endeavor to have a millionaire mindset. Utilize the secrets of successful Internet millionaires. One day, you could be an Internet millionaire and join the Internet millionaire lifestyle.

Matt Bacak’s help is the inside edge you need to become a successful email marketer. There's no obligation and no hype. Just secret tips and strategies to make your ezine explode with subscribers. To get this information visit: http://www.powerfulpromoter.com or http://www.promotingtips.com

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Find Keywords With Matt Bacak’s Cutting Edge Strategy For Internet Success

Find out the cutting edge strategies you can employ to find awesome keywords for your Internet business website. Learn how to utilize software programs and Amazon to find the best keywords. Learn how you can find out what your competition is up to.

Finding the right keywords to use on your Internet business website can make your profit sink or swim. It is crucial to find keywords that attract quality customers that want to subscribe to your list and purchase your product.

How do you find good keywords for your website? A great way to find the best keywords is to use software such as “Good Keywords” at http://www.goodkeywords.com/. You can search for awesome keywords and keywords phrases using this program. The more keyword phrases you have the better chance you will be found in the Google search results. You should also use common misspellings in your keyword phrases. The “Good Keywords” software program has a feature that will provide you with these common misspellings.

You can also create keywords on your own. You should think outside the box when you create keyword phrases. It will set you apart from the competition. The majority of your competition will solely rely on keyword phrases generated by machines. Take this a step further and use your own brain to find keyword phrases.

To generate more views from your customers, you must know your competitors. Who is earning the website traffic that you desire? How can you step in front of your competitor’s website to grab the website traffic? You can use an “Amazon.com” strategy.

Go to Amazon.com. Then type in a keyword phrase at Amazon.com and hit search. This will give a list of books related to your niche. People who are searching for books online are interested in purchasing information related to the niche. Therefore, add the keyword phrases of books related to your niche. Also make sure to use the author’s name as a keyword phrase. An author name keyword phrase is a great choice because many customers search for products based on an author’s name.

Yet, another strategy is to use an online dictionary to find good keywords. Go to http://www.dictionary.com/. You can find synonyms and antonyms of your keyword phrases. This will give you a bounty of new keyword phrases.

Are you curious as to what keywords your competition is using on their websites? Google won’t give you this information, but a website called http://www.googspy.com/ will provide you with this secret information. You can look to see what your competitors are doing at this website. All you need to do is type in the website address, keyword, or name of your competitor into the search feature. The results will show you what keywords this website is using and bidding on. You can check out their keyword phrases and meta tags.

Use these cutting edge strategies to find the best keyword phrases available for your website.

Matt Bacak is an Internet marketing guru that turns income-generating ideas into handfuls of cold hard cash. Matt Bacak became "#1 Best Selling Author" in just a few short hours and he is Recent Entrepreneur Magazine’s e-Biz radio show host.

Matt Bacak’s help is the inside edge you need to become a successful email marketer. There's no obligation and no hype. Just secret tips and strategies to make your ezine explode with subscribers. To get this information visit: http://www.powerfulpromoter.com/ or http://www.promotingtips.com/

How To Find The Best Keywords To Drive Your Website TrafficC Through The Roof

Having trouble finding keywords for your website? Learn valuable keywords resources.

The $64,000 question is how do you find good keywords? The best keywords will bring you the most Internet traffic and earnings. Matt Bacak says that finding the best keywords can be achieved in a variety of methods.

Matt Bacak is an Internet marketing guru that turns income-generating ideas into handfuls of cold hard cash. Matt Bacak became "#1 Best Selling Author" in just a few short hours and he is Recent Entrepreneur Magazine’s e-Biz radio show host.

One method involves thinking about how you search through Google. You can type a keyword phrase into www.google.com. A results page appears. The website listings in the middle are free listings. These websites have been found by Google. The first page listed in the search results has the highest page rank for that keyword phrase as determined by Google.

The search listings under “Sponsor Links” are paid listings. You can purchase these placement listings through Google Adwords. You can sign up for Google Adwords for free. You then “bid” on keyword phrases. Your bid represents the amount of money you are willing to pay when an Internet visitor clicks on your keyword phrase. You only pay Google when an Internet visitor actually clicks on your Google Adwords advertisement.

Tip: The better keyword phrases you have the better chance you will be found in the Google search results.

Build a keyword bank that relates to your niche. For example, if your niche is “dog training” then compile a list of words or phrases that involve the dog training niche. An example list would include dog training, dog leash, dog treats, etc. Figure out as many keyword phrases as you can. Strive to come up with at least 50 keyword phrases related to your niche.

How to you determine if your keywords are good keywords? Use the software program “Good Key Words”. Follow these steps to use the Good Key Words software program.

1. Click on “Keyword Suggestions”. Type in the keyword phrase for your niche.
Note: Make sure that the Researching Searching option is set to “Overture US”.

2. A list of keywords will appear. There are numbers next to each keyword phrase. Ten times this number is an optimistic estimate of how many people have searched for that keyword phrase on the Internet in the last month. Five times that number is a conservative estimate of how many people searched for that keyword phrase on the Internet in the last month.

3. Hit “Copy All Words”. All the keyword phrases in the results list will be copied.

4. Transfer these keyword phrases to Notepad using the paste function.
Note: StartàProgramsàAccessoriesàNote Pad.

Tip: You can delete keyword phrases that are inappropriate or don’t make sense for your website.

As you can see, there are resources available to find the best keywords. Take advantage of these keyword resources to outwit your competition.

Matt Bacak’s help is the inside edge you need to become a successful email marketer. There's no obligation and no hype. Just secret tips and strategies to make your ezine explode with subscribers. To get this information visit: http://www.powerfulpromoter.com or http://www.promotingtips.com

Internet Marketing Guru Matt Bacak Explains Why Headlines Are Critical To Your Internet Marketing Success

Find out the secrets to writing a headline for your Internet business website. Learn how to incorporate a testimonial to reel in customers.

An Internet business website relies on the strength of the copywriting. It is vital to have website copy that effectively markets to your Internet visitor. Your headline plays a major role in your website visitor’s first impression of you, your product, and your website because it is what a visitor to your site sees first.

To write a headline for your website you first, take some time to brainstorm possible headlines. Think about the email subject lines you write in emails you send to your subscriber list. An email subject line is similar to a headline. When you send emails you want a subject headline that will grab the attention of the reader. Entice the subscriber to want to open up the email and figure out what the email subject line means.

Your headline is written. Now it’s time to take a look at your squeeze page. Your 15-30 word headline appears at the top of your website. You then need to create a sub headline. A sub headline is an additional description of what your website offers. Essentially, you are expanding on your original headline. You offer more details and incentives in the sub headline.

You also have a testimonial box. Think about what a perfect testimonial would entail for your product or service. What would you love to hear customers say in testimonials? The testimonial should not cover the specifics of your product. The purpose of the testimonial is to provide information about you and the knowledge you have to offer. For example, a testimonial can talk about how your newsletter helped a customer. The testimonial should be three to four sentences in length.

Remember, do not create fake testimonials. This is unethical and can hurt your business reputation.

You also have an opt-in box. This is where a potential subscriber will subscribe to your list. Hopefully, your headline, testimonial, and marketing copy will prompt them to subscribe to your list. They will if you write quality copy.

Writing your headline is not difficult. It is a matter of feeling confident in your product and projecting that to your customers.

Matt Bacak is an Internet marketing guru that turns income-generating ideas into handfuls of cold hard cash. Matt Bacak became "#1 Best Selling Author" in just a few short hours and he is Recent Entrepreneur Magazine’s e-Biz radio show host.

Matt Bacak’s help is the inside edge you need to become a successful email marketer. There's no obligation and no hype. Just secret tips and strategies to make your ezine explode with subscribers. To get this information visit: http://www.powerfulpromoter.com or http://www.promotingtips.com

Unleash The Ppwer Of Attention Grabbing Copywriting For Generating Internet Marketing Dollars

Learn the secrets of the pros when it comes to copywriting. Unleash the power of attention grabbing copywriting in your online marketing campaign.

Remember, you need a name for your list. You need a list name because many websites will request this information. The name for your list is up to you. It is set up primarily for internal use. It is best to name your list after your niche.

Having attention grabbing copywriting in your online marketing campaign is the key to success. This is accomplished by two things that you need to have in your marketing copy. You need to figure out a name for your list and a 15-30 word headline. The purpose of this marketing copy is to drive traffic to your website. You want customers to subscribe to your list.

Your 15-30 word headline needs to grab a website visitor’s attention. You need persuasive, eye catching headline copy to achieve this task. A great way to write your headline is to include “Power” words.

Examples of Power Words include:

Power Words and Phrases are effective because they prompt Internet website visitors to take action.

Writing marketing copy can be easy if you believe in your product. Don’t let limitations or negative thinking complicate the process. Be truthful in your marketing copy. You need to be able to explain why Internet visitors should “know” more about your product. You are not selling your product in your headline. You are simply garnering interest for your product. Many people will be turned off by an instant sales pitch. First, you want to entice them with an attention grabbing headline. Let the customer read about your product. Then after that you can sell your product or service.

Think about how the television news works. They have teasers during the commercial breaks before the news. The teasers are meant to capture your attention. The news doesn’t give you the full story right off the bat because they want you to watch the entire news. They constantly send preview teasers so you will be interested in watching the entire news program.
Do not use too many power words. Too many power words will lessen the impact. Plus, too many power words may not create a sentence that reads smoothly. Avoid writing the headline in bold. Bold can wreak havoc on the eyes and can turn away many potential subscribers.

Take the time right now to sit down and write your marketing copy. It doesn’t have to be perfect yet, you just have to get started. Don’t forget to use power words to increase the effectiveness of your copy.

Matt Bacak’s help is the inside edge you need to become a successful email marketer. There's no obligation and no hype. Just secret tips and strategies to make your ezine explode with subscribers. To get this information visit: http://www.powerfulpromoter.com or http://www.promotingtips.com

Earn More Money On Google Adsense Using These Three Proven Strategies

Learn three proven strategies that will significantly increase your Google AdSense earnings. Learn how thinking outside of the box will improve your bank account by leaps and bounds.

You can use Google AdSense to generate cash on the Internet. If you want to earn a significant amount of money through Google AdSense then read on.

Matt Bacak is an Internet marketing guru that turns income-generating ideas into handfuls of cold hard cash. Matt Bacak became "#1 Best Selling Author" in just a few short hours and he is Recent Entrepreneur Magazine’s e-Biz radio show host.

Here are Matt Bacak’s three proven strategies that will optimize your Google AdSense earnings.

1. Add more messages in your email sequence that is driving customers to your website pages that have Google AdSense advertisements. Increasing the frequency of your email messages will provide more chances for Internet visitors to click on your Google AdSense advertisements.

2. Send out a mass email, solo broadcast. Send out an email to drive traffic to your website page that contains the Google AdSense advertisements. Increase the amount of subscribers you have on your list.

3. Increase the amount of money you earn from the advertisements. For example, certain keywords cost more money in Google Adwords. Therefore, you can write articles that contain these high value keywords. You will earn more money through Google AdSense with these higher quality keywords.

Another strategy is to place the keywords in your Title tag. The first 250 words on your website is the second most important piece of information. Write a line then insert a double space. Place keywords in this space. Highlight the keywords so that it is white. This will cause the keywords to blend into the background. Do not use this for search engine marketing! It will hurt you in search engine optimization. It is only used to increase the price you earn from Google Advertisements. The Google spiders see these keywords. However, the human eye will not detect the keywords.

How do you find the high paying keywords? Use www.highpayingkeywords.com. This pay service provides you a quarterly listing of the high paying keywords. It is a good investment because Google does not give information about the high paying keywords.

Tip: When you communicate with your list, you need to provide relevant content. Don’t just send poor content as filler. Don’t just send an article or email message to provide Google AdSense exposure. You need to provide content that is a benefit for your subscriber list.

You can send as many emails as you want. Sending out various emails is at your discretion but if you send out several emails per week it may annoy some of your subscribers. However, annoyed subscribers can opt out of your list. You want to send out as many emails as you need because they are bound to bring in more orders for your product or service. Plus, it increases the amount of money you earn through Google AdSense if your subscribers click on the Google AdSense advertisements.

Matt Bacak’s help is the inside edge you need to become a successful email marketer. There's no obligation and no hype. Just secret tips and strategies to make your ezine explode with subscribers. To get this information visit: http://www.powerfulpromoter.com or http://www.promotingtips.com

How Google Adsense Earns You Extra Cash On Your Website

Learn how you can make money by placing Google advertisements on your website. Google AdSense is a great way to earn extra cash and help pay for your own online advertising.

If you are an Internet business owner then you are quite familiar with the power of advertising online. You may even be advertising through Google Adwords. Google Adwords drives traffic to your website for which you pay each time a person clicks on your Google Adwords advertisement.

Google also lets you make money by displaying advertisements on your website that are from other Internet businesses? Google allows you to do this by participating in Google AdSense. This is an easy way for many Internet businesses to earn extra cash.

Google allows you to place advertisements on your own website. If an Internet visitor clicks on this advertisement on your website then Google will pay you money.
To participate in Google AdSense, you sign up for a free account with Google. Google will provide you with the html code to place the advertisements on your site.

What are the topics of the Google advertisements on your website? Google has code that will generate advertisements that relate to your website topic.
You can also post articles on your website that contain Google AdSense advertisements. You put the Google AdSense advertisement in the middle of the article. This prompts users to click on the Google AdSense advertisement as they are reading through your article. It is an efficient and effective way to earn money from Google AdSense.

Where does Google place the advertisements on the website? You specify the general location of the advertisements. A great area to place the Google advertisements is along the right hand side of the screen because the right hand side of the screen tends to attract the eyes of a website visitor.

Some keywords cost more than others for the advertisers so the amount you earn in Google Advertisements can range from a few cents per click to several dollars per click.

The customer comes to your website through your Google Adwords advertisements. Once the customer is at your website they are likely to click on more links. Therefore, you can pay for your Google Adwords campaign through your Google AdSense campaign. For example, you may spend $1,000 in Google Adwords, but you make $2,000 off of Google AdSense.

Check out Google AdSense today. It is a simple way to earn extra cash and help pay for your advertising in Google Adwords

Matt Bacak’s help is the inside edge you need to become a successful email marketer. There's no obligation and no hype. Just secret tips and strategies to make your ezine explode with subscribers. To get this information visit: http://www.powerfulpromoter.com or http://www.promotingtips.com

Now That You Have Your Website Learn How To Accept Payments Online For Your Internet Business Success

Learn how to accept payments online. Find out how to setup an online shopping cart, Internet gateway, and a merchant account.

There are three crucial systems you need to setup before you can start collecting money on the Internet. These are critical because many people falsely believe that you just set up a website and cash will instantly roll into your bank account. It doesn’t just happen automatically. You have to be able to accept payments online.
The three systems include a shopping cart, Internet gateway, and a merchant account.

A shopping cart will take and maintain orders. A merchant account direct deposits the money you accept on your website into your bank account.

You also need a system that connects the shopping cart with your merchant account. This is where an Internet gateway comes in. The “Internet Gateway” is the link between the shopping cart and the merchant account. The shopping cart accepts the credit card information. The Internet gateway runs the credit cards and then deposits the money in your bank account.

Experienced Internet business owners know that merchant accounts can be tricky. Some merchant account providers can take advantage of you. Be careful. When you sign up for a merchant account you have to sign a contract. The contract could be as long as five years for certain merchant account providers. You also have to provide an estimate of how much money you will earn online in the year. If you low ball your yearly income then a merchant account might shut you down if you make more money then this estimate. Plus, some merchant accounts will hold your money.

Merchant accounts can be tricky when you make a great deal of money in a short amount of time. You need a merchant account provider that has the capabilities of running high credit card amounts each day. Verify that your merchant account provider is robust enough to provide you these services.

A merchant account only deals with VISA and MasterCard. American Express and Discover work differently. You have to contact American Express and Discover directly to set up a merchant account with them. American Express may have a higher rate, but it is well worth it. Remember, American Express card holders typically have money to spend and good credit. They are quality customers that are more likely to buy your products.

A great resource for an Internet Gateway is Authorize.net. Authorize.net is a top name in the Internet marketing industry. Authorize.net understands this specific business model. Internet marketing gurus can provide testimonials to the high quality of Authorize.net.

How long does it take money to show up in your bank account? It depends. Some merchant account providers take up to two weeks to transfer money into your bank account. However, you can find merchant accounts that will transfer money into your bank account almost immediately.

Matt Bacak is an Internet marketing guru that turns income-generating ideas into handfuls of cold hard cash. Matt Bacak became "#1 Best Selling Author" in just a few short hours and he is Recent Entrepreneur Magazine’s e-Biz radio show host.

Matt notes the following as exceptional online payment resources. www.powerfulpromoter.com/onlinepayments.htm. You can learn how to accept online payments. Learn who you should contact to setup your shopping cart, Internet Gateway, and merchant account. You can also find specific costs for these services at www.powerfulpromoter.com/onlinepayments.htm.

Use “Kick Start Cart” for your online shopping cart. At www.powerfulpromoter.com/onlinepayments.htm you can click on a link to try “Kick Start Cart” free for 30 days. You can also sign up for a free 30 day trial of PowerPay which is a recommended merchant account program.

Matt Bacak’s help is the inside edge you need to become a successful email marketer. There's no obligation and no hype. Just secret tips and strategies to make your ezine explode with subscribers. To get this information visit: http://www.powerfulpromoter.com or http://www.promotingtips.com

Matt Bacak Reveals How To Submit Articles On The Internet For Viral Marketing Success

Learn to work smarter, not harder by using an article submission program such as Article Submitter Pro. Learn how you can use viral marketing strategies to your advantage.

You have written articles and you need to send them out on the Internet to different article distribution websites. A great way to accomplish this task is to outsource this job. You can find freelancers on Elance.com that will submit your articles for you. The slow way to accomplish this task is to cut and paste your article into each Internet article distribution resource.

Matt Bacak is an Internet marketing guru that turns income-generating ideas into handfuls of cold hard cash. Matt Bacak became "#1 Best Selling Author" in just a few short hours and he is Recent Entrepreneur Magazine’s e-Biz radio show host.

Matt recommends an even easier way to submit articles using a software program called “Article Submitter Pro”. Article Submitter Pro pre-populates the fields for you and submits it to several Internet article distribution resources. You can find the Article Submitter Pro software program at www.articlesubmitterpro.com.

Submitting your articles to the article directories manually can take days to complete. Follow the advice of working smarter, not harder to submit your articles to article directories. Once your article is submitted, it will be placed on other article websites. The number of websites that contain your article will increase every day. This is called viral marketing.

The more websites that contain your article and bio, the better chance you have at success. You have more opportunities for website visitors to see your bio and click on the link to your website. One major benefit is that your article and bio link spread across the Internet without any more work on your part.

Article Submitter Pro takes you directly from one article submission site to the next article submission site. It is important to note that Article Submitter Pro is not 100% automated. You have to run the program. The major difference is in the time that you spend submitting articles. If you submit articles manually it can take upwards of three minutes to submit an article to just one website. Article Submitter Pro generally takes only 15 seconds to submit to each article submission website saving you time and money.

Article Submitter Pro has a list of over 1,000 article submission sites that you can submit your articles to and provides the Google page rank information for each article submission site. This is valuable information because you want to focus on websites that have a high page rank first. Then you can submit articles to websites that have a lower Google page rank.

You can also “trade” links. Another website may want to link to your website. If you want to trade links then make sure that the other website posts your link first. Request that they send you an email confirmation that your link is on their website. Then you can fulfill your end of the deal and add their link to your website. Remember, only trade links with quality websites that have a good Google page rank.

Utilize the efficiency of Article Submitter Pro to put your articles on the Internet. Let viral marketing spread your articles across the Internet bringing customers to your website.

Matt Bacak’s help is the inside edge you need to become a successful email marketer. There's no obligation and no hype. Just secret tips and strategies to make your ezine explode with subscribers. To get this information visit: http://www.powerfulpromoter.com or http://www.promotingtips.com

Ten Tips On How You Can Take Advantage Of Outsourcing Through ELANCE.COM

Follow these tips to effectively outsource projects such as writing articles.

If you run an Internet business then you know time is money. You should outsource many of your business tasks so you can focus on more critical business matters. Or perhaps you are an expert marketer but need help with writing copy or e-books. Matt Bacak highly recommends Elance.com as a resource for outsourcing your projects.

Matt Bacak is an Internet marketing guru who turns income-generating ideas into handfuls of cold hard cash. Matt Bacak became "#1 Best Selling Author" in just a few short hours and he is Recent Entrepreneur Magazine’s e-Biz radio show host. Mike Litman, #1 personal development radio show host and #1 International best-selling author of Conversations with Millionaires (New York, NY), says, “Matt is without a doubt the 'The Powerful Promoter!' If you want to quickly increase your revenues and line your pockets with money again and again, he's definitely a Must read, Must hear, and Must see!" Matt Bacak is turning Authors, Speakers, and Experts into overnight success stories with his ‘Powerful Promoting Tips’ newsletter.

Matt’s advice is to follow these ten tips to request a freelancer to write articles for you through Elance.com:

1. Request more than one article at a time on Elance.com because the minimum bid on Elance.com is $50. If you only request one article, that one article will cost $50. If you request three articles many freelancers will bid at a much cheaper per article rate.

2. What should your project description contain? Specify the number of articles you need. Specify the topic of the audio you will provide. Tell freelancers that they can choose the topics for the articles as long as they write about the audio you provide. Also specify that each article needs to be 350-700 words in length. They also need to include a short summary of two to three sentences. The purpose of the short summary is to give a brief description of the article. Also request a keyword list. You want your articles to utilize keywords.

3. Make sure to put 125 character bio in each article. You will need to write your own bio. Your bio needs to have a link to your squeeze page. This will drive the Internet visitor from the article to your website.

4. Use the phrase, “This is a simple and easy task for anyone that knows what they are doing.” This phrase will attract the best person for the job at the cheapest price.

5. Use the phrase. “Heck, you get a free education while you listen to this.” This is an incentive for freelancers because they learn from your material for free.

6. Make sure the start date of your project is immediate.

7. Project Budget: Put “Not Sure”. The reason that you want to post a budget of “Not Sure” is because freelancers will often bid lower when you don’t specify a budget range.

8. One benefit about Elance.com is that you don’t have to pay until the project is completed

9. Choose freelance providers on Elance.com that have a 5.0 rating, the highest rating on Elance.com.

10. Select a bid. Elance.com will send this information to the provider that you select. You will then engage in the project.

Matt Bacak’s help is the inside edge you need to become a successful email marketer. There's no obligation and no hype. Just secret tips and strategies to make your ezine explode with subscribers. To get this information visit: http://www.powerfulpromoter.com or http://www.promotingtips.com

Why Articles Are A Viral Marketing Top Choice Of Internet Marketing Gurus Like Matt Bacak

Learn why articles are an excellent Internet marketing strategy and how viral marketing can benefit your Internet business.

Articles are very powerful. They are an exceptional tool that you should utilize in your Internet marketing plan. The purpose of articles is to bring people to your squeeze page. You can bring in a significant amount of subscribers from articles.

Start by writing ten articles. After you write the articles you will submit them to article distribution websites on the Internet. There are hundreds of websites that will accept your article. Some websites allow website visitors to copy your article information as long as they give you credit as the author. This is a great feature as your article can be copied and pasted into hundreds of other websites. Your name and website address is attached to these articles. This is called viral marketing.

Viral marketing is like a snowball effect. You submit your articles to a certain number of websites who submit your articles to other websites and so on. You may send out 100 articles and a few days later you have 10,000 articles out on the Internet. This huge increase in articles is a result of the viral marketing effect.

It is a good idea to spend the most money, time, and effort on articles. Start off by writing just ten articles. When you achieve this goal then strive to write 100 articles as quickly as you can. Be careful to make sure that you have correct grammar and punctuation.

You can outsource the writing of your articles. A valuable outsourcing resource for writing projects is www.elance.com. Elance.com contains freelancers that will help you out with anything from writing to programming. You can even have a freelancer complete business tasks for you such as sending out postcards to your buyers.

You post a project on Elance.com that details what you need completed. The freelancers on Elance.com will bid on this job. Elance.com is free to setup. You only pay for specific projects.

Remember, when you write articles that you don’t want to plagiarize. Therefore, you need to be careful when you hire a freelancer to write your articles. One way to ensure that the content of your articles will be unique is to provide an audio file of your seminars if you give them. The audio file will contain all the information a freelancer will need to write the topics. This ensures that the freelancer will write about only your own content.

Matt Bacak’s help is the inside edge you need to become a successful email marketer. There's no obligation and no hype. Just secret tips and strategies to make your ezine explode with subscribers. To get this information visit: http://www.powerfulpromoter.com or http://www.promotingtips.com

Matt Bacak Gives You Easy-To-Use Tips And Defines Six Tools For Microsoft Front Page

Tips and tools to help you get started with Microsoft FrontPage. Learn the purposes of the different tools in Microsoft FrontPage.

Microsoft FrontPage is a simple program to use. It is a great way to build your business website. You don’t have to be a web designer or guru in order to achieve success with FrontPage. If you know how to use other Microsoft programs such as Microsoft Word then you have the skills necessary to use FrontPage.

Matt Bacak is an Internet marketing guru that turns income-generating ideas into handfuls of cold hard cash. Matt Bacak became "#1 Best Selling Author" in just a few short hours and he is Recent Entrepreneur Magazine’s e-Biz radio show host.

Let’s take a look at some of Matt’s easy-to-use tips for Microsoft FrontPage. The first thing you need to know is when in doubt right click with your mouse. If you don’t know how to modify a specific area of your website. Right clicking with your mouse will give you a drop down box of potential actions you can take to modify this area.

The second thing you need to know has to deal with formatting. If you push “enter” then FrontPage puts in a double space. This can be frustrating because you will have large gaps between text lines. Instead, you should use “shift-enter’ to avoid double spacing. Shift-enter will provide a more compact format of your lines of text.

It is helpful to understand the purpose of some of these tools so you can easily navigate and use FrontPage.

FrontPage Tool #1: Design mode: This is the mode you want to use when you are building your website. You work in this page exactly like you would in Microsoft Word. You don’t have to worry about html code. You will be in the design mode 99% of the time.

FrontPage Tool #2: Preview: This option allows you to see what your website will look like on the Internet.

FrontPage Tool #3: Formatting: Highlighting, bold, italics, etc. work the same way as they do in Microsoft Word.

FrontPage Tool #4: Split mode: This view shows the code and design views together. Don’t use this view as it is confusing.

FrontPage Tool #5: Code mode: Pure html code. You will rarely use this view unless you want to write html.

FrontPage Tool #6: Importing a website layout: You can import website layout designs that have already been made. You can import a file and then tweak it to fit your own website.

These are a few FrontPage tools and tips to help get you started. Start building your Internet business website today!

Matt Bacak’s help is the inside edge you need to become a successful email marketer. There's no obligation and no hype. Just secret tips and strategies to make your ezine explode with subscribers. To get this information visit: http://www.powerfulpromoter.com or http://www.promotingtips.com

Using Microsoft Frontpage – Technical Knowledge Is Not Required To Build Your Own Profit Generating Business Website

Not technically savvy? No need to worry. You can build your own Internet business website using a straightforward program such as Microsoft FrontPage.

Many future Internet commerce entrepreneurs have a product or service ready to sell through the Internet but don’t feel confident in creating an Internet business website? Many people feel uncomfortable when it comes to creating a website.

The good news is that you can build your own website easily using the FrontPage program from Microsoft. FrontPage is a website creation program that is very simple to use. If you are not technical or shaky with your website creation skills then FrontPage is a great choice.

Before you build your website you need to have the appropriate mindset. Don’t be afraid of building your website no matter how little knowledge you have. Instead, you should tell yourself that it will be easy and you will like it. This will open up your mind so that you can build your website. It is the power of positive thinking.

When you open up the FrontPage program it will automatically show you a view of the code page. The code page is the actual html. You don’t need to worry about this view, unless you know html. Most people want to work in the WYSIWYG mode. (What you see is what you get.)

The design page works with images and text. You don’t have to worry about the code. FrontPage will write the code for you. You simply create a website by placing buttons, text, links, and images in the design page.

You can actually copy the html code from other websites on the Internet. You can find the html code by going to the website of your choosing.

For example, you might want to create your content in the same fashion as Google.com. To accomplish this you can copy the entire website from Google.com. The website code will be imported into Microsoft FrontPage. You can then tweak the code. Remember, you should not copy the exact content as this would be a violation of copyright. You just want to copy it as a model. You need to modify the code so that it reflects your own unique website.

Boot up Microsoft FrontPage to get started on your website today. You will find that the graphical user interface is very straightforward. Remember, you can do it as you like it.

Matt Bacak’s help is the inside edge you need to become a successful email marketer. There's no obligation and no hype. Just secret tips and strategies to make your ezine explode with subscribers. To get this information visit: http://www.powerfulpromoter.com or http://www.promotingtips.com

How To Design And Use A Squeeze Page To Make Your Website More Lucrative

Learn about the two types of squeeze pages. Understand how design plays a role in the effectiveness of your squeeze page.

A squeeze page is the most important page on your website. The squeeze page captures personal information and builds your client list. Proper design of your squeeze page is vital in order to maximize your client list.

There are two different types of squeeze pages. There are short squeeze pages and long squeeze pages.

Squeeze page type #1: A short squeeze page. This squeeze page is at the top of your website. It does not go below the fold.

Squeeze page type #2: A long squeeze page. A long squeeze page goes down below the fold.

You would use a short squeeze page in a scenario where the Internet traffic does not know who you are. For example, Google Adwords would send you website traffic with website visitors that don’t know who you are. You would use a short squeeze page format in this type of situation.

To add strength to your short squeeze page, add a testimonial to your short squeeze page. You website visitor will read the headline, sub headline, testimonial, and then the opt-in box. A testimonial helps to establish a business relationship with the website visitor. They are more likely to trust you and see the value in your product if you have a testimonial. Once they are impressed by your testimonials then you will prompt them to take action immediately. You will place your opt-in box right in front of them so they sign up for your list on the spot.

You would use a long squeeze page in a joint venture. You are working with another Internet entrepreneur. Your customers know you and are willing to read below the fold.

Yes, colors matter and affect conversion rates. The two best colors to use are either a navy blue or black background on your squeeze page. These page colors have been tested against other background colors and backgrounds proven to be the best choices for many situations.

There are some situations in which navy blue and black backgrounds are not appropriate. For example, you may have a website targeted towards women. In this case, a background of purple may be a good choice.

Another way to reach more customers is to provide a security statement. Below your opt-in box you should have a security statement that says you will not rent, trade, or sell any of their information. Make sure that if you put this text in that you abide by it. You might want to also add in an image that will encourage a website visitor to opt-in to your website such as an image of a lock next to your security statement.

Utilize the power of these squeeze page tips to maximize the potential of your squeeze page. Reach out to more customers and prompt them to subscribe to your client list and buy your products.

Matt Bacak’s help is the inside edge you need to become a successful email marketer. There's no obligation and no hype. Just secret tips and strategies to make your ezine explode with subscribers. To get this information visit: http://www.powerfulpromoter.com/ or http://www.promotingtips.com/

Hot Tips About How Paid Internet Directories Can Help You Find Customers From Internet Marketing Guru Matt Bacak

Tips you can use in Paid Internet directories. Follow these tips to optimize your chances for success.

Using a paid Internet directory involves more than just signing up for the service. You need to understand how to best utilize the tools and services a paid Internet directory provides.

Matt Bacak is an Internet marketing guru that turns income-generating ideas into handfuls of cold hard cash. Matt Bacak became "#1 Best Selling Author" in just a few short hours and he is Recent Entrepreneur Magazine’s e-Biz radio show host.

The following are Matt’s general tips to follow when you are using a paid directory.

Paid Directory Tip #1: Start with www.listopt.com as it is not as expensive as www.worldwidelist.com.

Paid Directory Tip #2: Always use the “Double Opt-In” feature in the paid Internet directories. These double checks that the subscriber really wants to subscribe to your list. In Double Opt-In, the customer signs up for your list at the paid directory (www.listopt.com or www.worldwidelist.com). They provide their name and email address. Then the paid directories send a verification email to the customer. The customer must click on a link to verify that they actually want to receive your newsletter. You are only charged after the customer verifies their subscription through the second email link. The “Double Opt-In” feature enables you to receive higher quality subscribers that are more likely to buy your product or service.

Paid Directory Tip #3: Don’t forget to include a Signature file. The signature should be at the bottom of your emails. The signature text should give your letter closing, name, and website link to your squeeze page. You want to send subscribers to your squeeze page so that they will buy your product or service.

Paid Directory Tip #4: Paid directories can lead to a joint venture partnership with the webmaster. Since emails also provide content and information about new products or services. You can create a joint venture with another Internet business. They can send out your email to their list. You can send out their email to your list.

In a joint venture you can exchange promotions, tips, and emails with other Internet businesses. You are working as a team. You combine your resources and customer lists. It is a business exchange.
Matt Bacak’s help is the inside edge you need to become a successful email marketer. There's no obligation and no hype. Just secret tips and strategies to make your ezine explode with subscribers. To get this information visit:
http://www.powerfulpromoter.com or http://www.promotingtips.com

Hot Tips About How Paid Internet Directories Can Help You Find Customers From Internet Marketing Guru Matt Bacak

Tips you can use in Paid Internet directories. Follow these tips to optimize your chances for success.

Using a paid Internet directory involves more than just signing up for the service. You need to understand how to best utilize the tools and services a paid Internet directory provides.

Matt Bacak is an Internet marketing guru that turns income-generating ideas into handfuls of cold hard cash. Matt Bacak became "#1 Best Selling Author" in just a few short hours and he is Recent Entrepreneur Magazine’s e-Biz radio show host.

The following are Matt’s general tips to follow when you are using a paid directory.

Paid Directory Tip #1: Start with www.listopt.com as it is not as expensive as www.worldwidelist.com.

Paid Directory Tip #2: Always use the “Double Opt-In” feature in the paid Internet directories. These double checks that the subscriber really wants to subscribe to your list. In Double Opt-In, the customer signs up for your list at the paid directory (www.listopt.com or www.worldwidelist.com). They provide their name and email address. Then the paid directories send a verification email to the customer. The customer must click on a link to verify that they actually want to receive your newsletter. You are only charged after the customer verifies their subscription through the second email link. The “Double Opt-In” feature enables you to receive higher quality subscribers that are more likely to buy your product or service.

Paid Directory Tip #3: Don’t forget to include a Signature file. The signature should be at the bottom of your emails. The signature text should give your letter closing, name, and website link to your squeeze page. You want to send subscribers to your squeeze page so that they will buy your product or service.

Paid Directory Tip #4: Paid directories can lead to a joint venture partnership with the webmaster. Since emails also provide content and information about new products or services. You can create a joint venture with another Internet business. They can send out your email to their list. You can send out their email to your list.

In a joint venture you can exchange promotions, tips, and emails with other Internet businesses. You are working as a team. You combine your resources and customer lists. It is a business exchange.
Matt Bacak’s help is the inside edge you need to become a successful email marketer. There's no obligation and no hype. Just secret tips and strategies to make your ezine explode with subscribers. To get this information visit:
http://www.powerfulpromoter.com or http://www.promotingtips.com

Matt Bacak Explains The Benefits Of Paid Internet Directories To Drive Profit Generating Traffic To Your Website

Learn how paid Internet directories can drive traffic to your website. Learn about two valuable paid Internet directories at
www.listopt.com and www.worldwidelists.com.

Paid Internet directories do much of the leg work for you. This allows you to spend time on other business tasks while your list grows automatically. Two different paid directories which are highly recommended by Matt Bacak are http://www.listopt.com/ and http://www.worldwidelists.com/.

Matt Bacak is an Internet marketing guru that turns income-generating ideas into handfuls of cold hard cash. Matt Bacak became "#1 Best Selling Author" in just a few short hours and he is Recent Entrepreneur Magazine’s e-Biz radio show host.

Check out http://www.listsopt.com/. The difference in paid directories is that a customer goes to the page http://www.listopt.com/. The customer inputs their email address directly. Listopt.com then sends an email to your Autoresponder to add to your list. Essentially, http://www.listopt.com/ does the work for you. In a free directory the customer would have more work to do. They would have the extra step of going to your website to sign up.

Another valuable paid Internet directory is http://www.worldwidelists.com/. http://www.worldwidelists.com/ provides niches and sub niches. There are a variety of categories to choose from that best fit your website. For example, you can select the niche of “Business & Economy”. Within “Business & Economy” there are even more specific niches such as “Advertising”.

Paid directories have more flexibility regarding which category they will place you in. Since you are paying for the service you can determine exactly in which category you want to be, in contrast to a free directory where a webmaster determines which category suits you best.

Another major benefit of paid directories is that they will send you a report regarding how many people they sent to your Autoresponder. You can establish a business relationship. This can benefit you because you can become part of a joint venture. The paid directory drives traffic to your website. They accomplish this in a variety of ways from email marketing campaigns to joint ventures.

Add paid Internet directories to your marketing agenda. You will gain new customers and increase your profits.

Matt Bacak’s help is the inside edge you need to become a successful email marketer. There's no obligation and no hype. Just secret tips and strategies to make your ezine explode with subscribers. To get this information visit:
http://www.powerfulpromoter.com or http://www.promotingtips.com

Matt Bacak Explains The Benefits Of Free Internet Directories To Drive Profit Generating Traffic To Your Website

Check out the benefits of
www.new-list.com. It is a free directory service that can bring traffic to your website.

There are two different types of Internet directories: Free and Paid. Internet directories provide a directory of free newsletters and e-zines. Customers can sign up for free newsletters and e-zines that spark their interest. This leads to increased traffic to your website.

An example of a valuable free directory is www.new-list.com. There are an extensive amount of categories such as business and health. Click on the topic that matches your website category. You will find a listing of all the newsletters associated with this category.

These are newsletters submitted by various Internet businesses. You can provide information about your newsletter, your website address, and name and submit your newsletter to this directory listing. It is critical that you provide a short and sweet description of your newsletter. You want to immediately direct people to your website.

Below are the 8 simple steps to submit your information from Matt Bacak. Matt Bacak is an Internet marketing guru that turns income-generating ideas into handfuls of cold hard cash. Matt Bacak became "#1 Best Selling Author" in just a few short hours and he is Recent Entrepreneur Magazine’s e-Biz radio show host.

Step #1: Put your name and description in this area after you have clicked on “Submit New List”.
Step #2: Put your 15-30 word website description in this area.
Step #3: Make sure to type in your website with the format of http://www.yourdomain.com. (“yourdomain” is the name of your website.) Don’t forget http://. If you leave off the http:// then your website may or may not appear as a hyperlink.

Step #4: You need to tell the Internet visitor exactly what to do. You should write “What I want you to do is to go to my website listed below. Then click on the link. After that, I want you to type in your first name and primary email address. Then click the “Subscribe” button.”

Step #5: Put your name or company name. You can put your primary email address in this section. This email address will not be published. It is only useful for the webmaster because they might need to communicate with you.

Step #6: Only select the category that best suits your website.

Step #7: Leave it at the “Free” option.

Step #8: Click the “Submit” button to submit your list.

www.new-list.com is a great website because it has a Google page rank of 6. This website is a win-win situation for both you and its webmaster. Take advantage of this free service. This is a free service so take note that your list may not be created immediately. It will appear whenever the webmaster gets around to your request. While you may have to wait a week, it is well worth the wait.

Matt Bacak’s help is the inside edge you need to become a successful email marketer. There's no obligation and no hype. Just secret tips and strategies to make your ezine explode with subscribers. To get this information visit:
http://www.powerfulpromoter.com or http://www.promotingtips.com

Learn From Matt Bacak How You Can Increase Your Page Rank By Using EBAY

Learn how to use the EBay, the popular Internet auction website, to increase your placement in search engines. Learn how you can buy a link from a high page rank website.

Did you know that you can increase your Google page rank by using EBay? Matt Bacak is an Internet marketing guru that turns income-generating ideas into handfuls of cold hard cash. Matt Bacak became "#1 Best Selling Author" in just a few short hours and he is Recent Entrepreneur Magazine’s e-Biz radio show host. Matt say’s you can do this by actually buying a link off a website. You can purchase website links from the popular auction website of Ebay.com (http://www.ebay.com/). Essentially, you are buying your way to a higher Google page rank.

To purchase a website link at EBay go to http://www.ebay.com/. Type in the words “Page rank” in the search bar in EBay. Click search to obtain information that contains the words “page rank”.

How can you determine the value of each page rank? Only buy page ranks of 5, 6, or 7. How much should you pay for each page rank? Multiply the page rank times ten. For example, you would be willing to page $50 +/-10 for a page rank of 5. This payment amount is how much you are willing to pay per month with some flexibility.

Why not buy page ranks of 8, 9, or 10? You can but the value is difficult to ascertain and there are many fewer websites that have page ranks of 8, 9, or 10. This makes it even more difficult to determine the true value you are receiving for you money

Only buy page ranks that have the “Buy Now” option. Do not deal with bidding. You don’t want to waste time in negotiations with the seller. The “Buy Now” feature allows you to instantly purchase the link and not worry about a changing price.
Examine the page rank deals on EBay. Take your time and explore the various page rank deals. Look for a page rank deal that has a page rank that is 5, 6, or 7 and fits in your price range. You may find deals that are undervalued; you may find a “Buy Now” deal with a page rank of 7 for only $20. This would be a great deal because it costs much less than what you are willing to pay for a page rank of 7. Take advantage of these deals.

Now it’s time to purchase the link with the high page rank on EBay. Make sure that you only purchase from sellers that have positive feedback no matter how great the other deal may be.


1. Find out where your website link will be placed on their website. You want to purchase text links. Examine how they will deal with your website. What type of what website is it? What are the terms of the deal?

2. Don’t forget to look at their maximum number of ads. Remember, each ad on their website has a link pointing to another website. Make sure that their maximum number of ads is less than twenty. Otherwise they are just creating links for anyone who will pay which will lower the page rank of their website.

It is important to note that when you buy a page rank link off EBay, they most often will not tell you the actual name of the website where your link will be placed. The seller will also specify the maximum length of your ads.

Matt Bacak’s help is the inside edge you need to become a successful email marketer. There's no obligation and no hype. Just secret tips and strategies to make your ezine explode with subscribers. To get this information visit:
http://www.powerfulpromoter.com or http://www.promotingtips.com

Matt Bacak Spells Out The Power Of Testimonials In Search Engine Optimization For Driving Customers To Your Business Website

Providing testimonials can positively affect your placement in the Google search engine. Learn how to best present your testimonial in order to achieve maximum success.

Search engine optimization should be at the top of your list when it comes to your website. One option to add to your search engine toolbox is to give testimonials to other websites. Offer to give testimonials on websites that you value. Look for products and services that would benefit from your testimonial. Make sure that these websites are of high quality and have a high page rank. You want to ensure that your website information is posted on a top notch website.

Always make sure to put your name and website address at the bottom of each testimonial. Verify that your website address will be given has a hyperlink and not just text, thus improving your placement in Google’s search engine results. Plus, if a visitor clicks on the hyperlink then they will be automatically directed to your website.

Another major benefit of providing testimonials on high page rank websites is that it will give you name and website recognition. Plus, your page rank will increase because you have created incoming links from quality websites. The key is that your website address is in the testimonial.

While it is beneficial for you to give testimonials on other websites, do not put testimonials on your own website. Having testimonials on your own website does not help you for two reasons. One reason is that if a customer clicks on the website address of a testimonial they may never come back to your website. Another reason is that the links from the testimonials will lower your page rank in Google.
Testimonials are a great way to promote your website. You will be amazed at how testimonials can shoot your search engine placement to the top spot on Google. Testimonials don’t cost you any money. They only cost you a little bit of time that will bring your much higher rewards in return.

Matt Bacak’s help is the inside edge you need to become a successful email marketer. There's no obligation and no hype. Just secret tips and strategies to make your ezine explode with subscribers. To get this information visit: http://www.powerfulpromoter.com or http://www.promotingtips.com

Press Releases – Your Secret To Skyrocket Your Search Engine Optimization Success

Learn how a press release can increase your page rank on Google. You can set up a prime search engine optimization scenario when you send out press releases on a weekly basis.

Search engine optimization through the Google search engine is driving website links. The goal is to have links to your website from other websites that have a high Google page rank.

One method to obtain these links is to send out a press release that contains links to your website. This is a much easier way to set your website up for search engine optimization. Your press release should contain three links pointing to your website. You should send press releases out every single week.

A great resource to create and send press releases is to use www.prweb.com and www.prewebdirect.com. Prwebdirect costs money, but is well worth it. You can find a package around $200 that optimizes your press release for search engines. Prwebdirect can turn your keywords and keyword phrases into hyperlinks for you. These links will point towards your website.

Most press releases are sent to gain the attention of media outlets such as newspapers and television. Your purpose is to optimize your website in the Google search engine so don’t worry about getting a media response from your press release. The key is to put three different links to your website on your press release.

After your press release is sent out it will go to websites with a high page rank. This prompts Google to give your website a higher page rank. Google figures that if your website link is on a highly ranked page then your website must be worthy of a high page rank.

It is important to minimize the number of outbound links on your own website. You don’t want more than 20 links pointing out of your website or Google may lower your page rank if you have a great deal of outbound links. Google doesn’t want you to set up links for the sole purpose of increasing the page rank of another website. Google does not want you to use gimmicks in order to create a search engine optimization scenario.

Matt Bacak’s help is the inside edge you need to become a successful email marketer. There's no obligation and no hype. Just secret tips and strategies to make your ezine explode with subscribers. To get this information visit: http://www.powerfulpromoter.com or http://www.promotingtips.com

Matt Bacak And Other Internet Gurus Share Their Secrets To Earning Top Spots In The Google Search Engine

Do you want to earn the top spot on the Google search engine? Learn the secrets of search engine optimization. Learn how page rank and incoming links can affect your search engine placement in Google.

You need to understand the ins and outs of search engine optimization. There are several ways to increase your placement in the Google search engine.

Let’s say your keyword phrase is “Rent to Own”. How can you push this keyword phrase to the top spot on Google? First, you need to have quality websites link to you. Quality websites mean a high page rank. You need to take it one step further then just linking up with a quality website. You need to optimize your keyword or keyword phrase on these quality websites.

The key to optimizing your website is not only having an incoming link from these websites, but to also have your keyword phrase on these quality websites. The secret is to turn that keyword phrase into a hyperlink. This encourages an Internet visitor to click on that keyword phrase. Once they click on that keyword phrase, they will be directed to your website. It is a win-win situation for you.

The Google search engine is impressed when you have your keyword phrase not only on your website, but on your Title tag as well. Google will view you as the real deal and will up your page rank. Adding your keyword phrase in your Title tag will skyrocket your position in the Google search engine results.

A low page rank will not hurt your website page rank. Low page ranks just won’t add any strength to your placement in Google’s search engine results.

Implement these search engine optimization tips and watch your page rank increase exponentially.

Matt Bacak’s help is the inside edge you need to become a successful email marketer. There's no obligation and no hype. Just secret tips and strategies to make your ezine explode with subscribers. To get this information visit: http://www.powerfulpromoter.com or http://www.promotingtips.com

Search Engine Optimization– It’s All About Quality Links

Learn how to optimize your website for the Google search engine. Learn how to increase your page rank as determined by the leading Google search engine.

Did you know that 89% of search engine traffic goes through the number one search engine Google? Other search engines recognize that Google is the leader in search engine traffic and are modeling their search engines off of Google. So if you optimize your website for Google then it will work well with the other search engines as well. If you want to drive traffic to your site you need to optimize your website on Google.

Internet marketing gurus like the award winning Matt Bacak, know that you need to take full advantage of Google’s search engine traffic. They have intensely examined Google’s search engine algorithm. This analysis enabled them to implement the most effective way to optimize web pages.

The strategy they created works for any website. You can apply this strategy to your squeeze page, the most important part of your website. The squeeze page is where you will earn subscribers to build your customer list.

Take a look at your website. You should see your address bar at the top. Next to it you will see the Google toolbar. The Google toolbar will give you the Page rank. Page rank measures the importance of the website as determined by Google. Page rank is 0 to 10. 0 is the lowest and 10 is the highest. You should strive to get a higher page rank. A page rank of 10 is the best.

The most common myth is that a high page rank comes from what is written on your website such as content and metatags. The truth is it doesn’t matter what type of content you have on your websites but it does have to do with what other websites are saying about you. This comes from website links pointing at you. The more websites that point links to you, the higher your search engine rank will be. Links are like votes. The more votes you receive from other websites, the higher your page rank will become. It’s all about links.

The websites that link to you need to be of high quality and importance. You want to focus on websites that have a high page rank. Those are the websites that you want pointing to your website. You can find the page rank of these websites by going to them and checking their Google rank from the Google toolbar.

Strive to find other websites that have a high page rank. See if you can swap links with them. You want them to “vote” for your website by pointing at your website.

Matt Bacak’s help is the inside edge you need to become a successful email marketer. There's no obligation and no hype. Just secret tips and strategies to make your ezine explode with subscribers. To get this information visit: http://www.powerfulpromoter.com or http://www.promotingtips.com

Highly Successful Internet Marketer Matt Bacak Says To Sequence Your Emails To Maximize Profits

Learn why you want to avoid sending emails to your customer list on a weekly or monthly basis. Follow the advice of a highly successful Internet marketer, Matt Bacak, when it comes to email sequencing for your Internet business.

Managing your email marketing campaign takes more than just writing emails and sending them out. You must to determine content and decide when to send out emails. Timing is everything. You want to email your customer list at the right time to bring in the most profits.

Many Internet businesses think that they should send out emails on a set schedule such as once a week or once a month. This may mimic newsletters and magazines received but it is not the best way to go. Instead, you should use an irregular email schedule.

When you are setting up your email sequence avoid sending weekly or monthly emails. You want to avoid “training” your list into expecting a set schedule of emails.
You can run into problems. For example, let’s say that customers are used to receiving an email on the 28th of each month. You decide you want to send another email this month and send it on the 14th. Many customers will not like this new extra email because they were used to just one email on a specific day each month. Customers may send you a nasty email in response to the change in schedule.

Use an irregular email sequence instead. Send emails out when you want. You can send a second email two hours after the first. Then wait and send one out two days later. This will train customers to not have a set expectation for your email schedule.

Customers will actually remember your name better if you keep them on their toes. If you send emails on a variety schedule then they don’t become bored with you. Sometimes if you send too many emails at once then they will take you for granted.

Following is an example of a proven email schedule from a highly successful Internet marketer.

Matt Bacak is an Internet marketing guru that turns income-generating ideas into handfuls of cold hard cash. Matt Bacak became "#1 Best Selling Author" in just a few short hours and he is Recent Entrepreneur Magazine’s e-Biz radio show host.

Send out original email – Welcome to list or introductory newsletter
1 day later send out second email.
2 days later send out third email.
2 days later send out fourth email.
7 days later send out fifth email.
14 days later send out sixth email.

It is important to note that the third and seventh messages tend to be the messages where people will buy. The other email messages focus on content. Don’t solely provide content or solely sell to them. Mix it up. Entice your customers to buy on the third and seventh email message.

Follow these email sequencing tips and your profit will increase. Plus, you’ll keep your customers on their toes waiting to see what you do next.

Matt Bacak’s help is the inside edge you need to become a successful email marketer. There's no obligation and no hype. Just secret tips and strategies to make your ezine explode with subscribers. To get this information visit: http://www.powerfulpromoter.com or http://www.promotingtips.com

The Secrets Of Autoresponders: The Do’s And Don’ts That Can Make You Money On The Internet From Internet Marketing Pros

The Do’s and Don’ts for Autoresponders. Take the Autoresponder advice from Internet marketing gurus such as Matt Bacak.

So you have invested in an Autoresponder program because you know that an Autoresponder is critical to your success on the Internet. You are ready to send out your first email. There are a few things you should keep in mind before you begin. The following Autoresponder tips are culled from the experience of Internet marketing professionals like Matt Bacak. Matt Bacak is an Internet marketing guru that turns income-generating ideas into handfuls of cold hard cash. Matt Bacak became "#1 Best Selling Author" in just a few short hours and he is Recent Entrepreneur Magazine’s e-Biz radio show host.

Follow these tips to optimize your email marketing campaign.

“Do’s for Autoresponders”:

1. Do use your real name in your email address. Subscribers build a relationship based around your email address. They may become confused and won’t trust you if your own name suddenly appears in an email message when they are used to a different email address in previous email messages.

2. Do create a business relationship with your subscribers. Customers buy from people, not from companies. They are much more likely to buy your product if they trust and respect you as a person.

3. Do use plain text emails which have a much better chance of not being swallowed up by spam filters. Avoid HTML emails at all costs. Many new email programs don’t automatically accept HTML emails so customers may not receive your email messages.

4. Do connect your squeeze page with your Autoresponder. This is crucial link that will connect your Autoresponder with your subscriber list.

“Don’ts for Autoresponders”

1. Don’t email subscribers after they unsubscribe to your list! If a person removes themselves from your email list, just let them go.

2. Don’t spend money on programs that claim they can get all your emails through spam filters. Nobody can guarantee this. Auto Response Plus works much better then most of these programs.

3. Don’t allow duplicate submissions. You don’t want a subscriber to receive duplicate emails.
4. Don’t use a subscription confirmation. It is an extra link the customer has to click. If they sign up for your list, just accept them. Otherwise they may not take the extra time to confirm.

Matt Bacak’s help is the inside edge you need to become a successful email marketer. There's no obligation and no hype. Just secret tips and strategies to make your ezine explode with subscribers. To get this information visit: http://www.powerfulpromoter.com or http://www.promotingtips.com

How to Manage and Track Your Email Marketing Campaign Using Autoresponder Tips from Internet Marketing Pros.

An Autoresponder can ramp up your email marketing campaign. Learn the Autoresponder tips from Internet Marketing Pros such as Matt Bacak.

An Autoresponder is set up so that it sends emails automatically. You can specify how and when the emails are sent which saves you a considerable amount of time and money. Matt Bacak is an Internet marketing guru that turns income-generating ideas into handfuls of cold hard cash. Matt Bacak became "#1 Best Selling Author" in just a few short hours and he is Recent Entrepreneur Magazine’s e-Biz radio show host. Matt thinks an Autoresponder program called “Auto Response Plus” is cream of the crop. You can find out more information about Auto Response Plus at www.autoresponseplus.com.

The Auto Response Plus Autoresponder has several features. It is vital that you understand how to use Auto Response Plus before you start sending out emails. For example, you don’t want to send out an email that is not ready.

One major benefit of Auto Response Plus is that it allows you to copy and past Autoresponders. Think of all the time you will save with this feature. Remember, time is money!

Auto Responder Plus allows you to manage your subscriber list easily and effectively. You can also physically add in one subscriber at a time or you can import subscribers from a file. This flexibility makes it easy to compile your marketing lists.

You will never know the effectiveness of any marketing campaign, unless you can track information and responses. You need to track the “open rate” or how many subscribers actually opened or viewed your email message. You can also track by the link in your email message to find out how many subscribers clicked on the message link.

Tracking how your email messages are viewed can help you test and tweak your email marketing campaign. If you send out an email and the open rate is very low then you might want to revise the email. There are any number of reasons that the email did not attract the attention of the subscriber. Take advantage of this tracking feature to analyze your email marketing campaign.

Auto Response Plus has a variety of features that will make your life simpler. Your email marketing campaign can be up and running in no time.

Matt Bacak’s help is the inside edge you need to become a successful email marketer. There's no obligation and no hype. Just secret tips and strategies to make your ezine explode with subscribers. To get this information visit: http://www.powerfulpromoter.com or http://www.promotingtips.com